Les Tanyuk


По мотивам повести Василия Барки «Жовтий Князь». В основе сюжета исторические события 1932-1933 годов, когда преступления сталинского режима привели к трагедии - тотальному голоду на Украине.
Myna Mazaylo
The action takes place during the time of Ukrainization, at the end of the 1920s. Kharkiv employee Myna Mazaylo decides to change his ukrainian surname to the russian Mazenin, as he considers it more solid.
Tikhaya semeyka
based on the play by French playwright Louis Völl. A writer who wants to see and display the life of an ordinary bourgeois settles in the house. Having learned about the true goals of the guest, the family members decide to play a prank on him, making him believe that a gang of crooks and gangsters is hiding in the depths of the "quiet family".