Pete Rowe


Christmas Carole
Director of Photography
Carole Mackay is an unashamedly outspoken and wealthy entrepreneur. Her online business selling all things festive has earned her a fortune, as well as the nickname 'Christmas Carole'. But her success hasn't made her a better human being. In fact, it's made her worse. The truth is that Carole is a monumentally mean person. Positively Scrooge-like. And, just like Ebeneezer, she doesn't love Christmas at all. But this Christmas Eve, Carole's past, present and future are about to collide. Will some rather familiar Christmas spirits help her discover the true spirit of Christmas?
Death on the Tyne
Additional Photography
Draper's Tours are taking Mildred and her care home friends on an overnight ferry trip from North Shields to Amsterdam, where things will quickly turn turbulent as the passengers and crew begin to get bumped off one-by-one. Throughout it all, Terry is still desperate to pop the question to Gemma, even if the circumstances are less than romantic.
Alan Partridge's Scissored Isle
Director of Photography
Alan leaves behind his comfortable existence and heads to the north to ask whether, in this once united kingdom, a 'schasm' has formed between north and south, between the have's and have-nots.
Непутёвая учеба
Director of Photography
Альфи Уикерс — самый ужасный учитель в истории человечества. Мало того, что он ничего не знает и ничему не учит, так еще и постоянно вляпывается в дурацкие истории и втягивает в них своих учеников. Они, впрочем, вполне достойны своего учителя. Редкостные оболтусы. Вот отправились они на экскурсию в Корнуолл, но вместо осмотра достопримечательностей веселая компания оказалась втянута в государственный переворот…