Christian Ackerman


A young couple is compelled to leave their Christian missionary station in the Kalahari Desert after being threatened with death by an extremist militant gang. After crashing their aircraft they must battle man and beast for their lives.
Night of the Bastard
After an injured young woman takes refuge in his secluded home, a gruff recluse must fight off a bloodthirsty cult and an insatiable sorceress to save both of their lives. A battle to survive becomes a gripping race against the clock to escape a perverse ritual of blood and flesh.
Night of the Bastard
After an injured young woman takes refuge in his secluded home, a gruff recluse must fight off a bloodthirsty cult and an insatiable sorceress to save both of their lives. A battle to survive becomes a gripping race against the clock to escape a perverse ritual of blood and flesh.
Young, Stalked, and Pregnant
Associate Producer
Audrey is a senior in High School and has her whole life ahead of her when she realizes she can't remember the last time she got her period. She breaks the news to her boyfriend just hours after the death of his grandmother. Once his obviously unstable mother enters back into the picture things spiral out of control for everyone involved.
Chasing the One
Second Unit Director
Podcaster Samantha Desouza is assigned to host a show that reunites lost loves. Even though Love is the last thing on her mind, Samantha falls for charming Jake who calls in with a problem. Will Samantha follow he heart this time?
Chasing the One
Associate Producer
Podcaster Samantha Desouza is assigned to host a show that reunites lost loves. Even though Love is the last thing on her mind, Samantha falls for charming Jake who calls in with a problem. Will Samantha follow he heart this time?
Разбитая колыбель
Second Unit Director
Оливия тяжело переживает смерть своей новорожденной дочери, но справиться с утратой ей помогает знакомство с семьей Уилсонов, а в частности — встреча с их ребенком. Необъяснимо сильная связь превращается в одержимость, и Оливия готова пойти на всё, чтобы проводить с малышкой как можно больше времени.
Разбитая колыбель
Associate Producer
Оливия тяжело переживает смерть своей новорожденной дочери, но справиться с утратой ей помогает знакомство с семьей Уилсонов, а в частности — встреча с их ребенком. Необъяснимо сильная связь превращается в одержимость, и Оливия готова пойти на всё, чтобы проводить с малышкой как можно больше времени.
Zombie (UK)
With mass hysteria, panic, breakdown of infrastructure, no law in place and very little food and water, how long could you survive? Don't believe all you read online...but it might just save your life if you do! This virus has gone viral!
Zombie (UK)
With mass hysteria, panic, breakdown of infrastructure, no law in place and very little food and water, how long could you survive? Don't believe all you read online...but it might just save your life if you do! This virus has gone viral!
Zombie (UK)
With mass hysteria, panic, breakdown of infrastructure, no law in place and very little food and water, how long could you survive? Don't believe all you read online...but it might just save your life if you do! This virus has gone viral!
Zombie (UK)
With mass hysteria, panic, breakdown of infrastructure, no law in place and very little food and water, how long could you survive? Don't believe all you read online...but it might just save your life if you do! This virus has gone viral!
Zombie (UK)
(additional voices) (segment: Watch Your Back)
With mass hysteria, panic, breakdown of infrastructure, no law in place and very little food and water, how long could you survive? Don't believe all you read online...but it might just save your life if you do! This virus has gone viral!
Stalked by My Doctor: A Sleepwalker's Nightmare
Associate Producer
The devious Dr. Albert Beck finds his latest stalking victim after changing his identity and beginning work at a sleep clinic.
Deadly Reunion
Ten years after graduation, a mini-reunion is organized by Tom and Jill Miller at their home, inviting only the special friends that were in their clique and one fringe member, Bobby Zwick, whom they had done a terrible wrong. Bobby said all was forgiven, but he was not telling the truth.
A Bride's Revenge
Second Unit Director
As Miya and her fiancé plan their dream wedding they are stalked by an eerie and dangerous veiled bride who is determined that Miya will never walk down the aisle.
Nightmare Tenant
Unit Production Manager
After her daughter Lacey goes off to a prestigious university, Carol finds herself with an empty nest and decides to rent out her room. When Nikki, a local college student answers the ad, it feels like a perfect fit. What Carol doesn't know is that Nikki was her daughter's high school rival, and that she believes Carol cheated her out of a chance to attend a better school by pulling strings for Lacey. Now, Nikki has come to avenge the future she feels has been stolen from her.
Nightmare Tenant
Associate Producer
After her daughter Lacey goes off to a prestigious university, Carol finds herself with an empty nest and decides to rent out her room. When Nikki, a local college student answers the ad, it feels like a perfect fit. What Carol doesn't know is that Nikki was her daughter's high school rival, and that she believes Carol cheated her out of a chance to attend a better school by pulling strings for Lacey. Now, Nikki has come to avenge the future she feels has been stolen from her.
Преследуемая своим доктором: Месть пациентки
Line Producer
2 года назад доктор Альберт Бек пытался похитить свою пациентку Софи Грин и инсценировать её смерть. Но суд оправдал его. Жизнь продолжается, доктор Бек, любитель женщин помоложе, находит симпатичную студентку Мелиссу, которая отвечает его чувствам взаимностью, и доктор влюбляется в неё. Но останется ли безнаказанным то, что он сделал с Софи Грин?
A killer is on the loose in a small town. One girl must face this psychopathic serial killer in order to survive this one night during hallows eve.
Дом моих кошмаров
Associate Producer
Клэр вместе с мужем переезжает в свой старый дом после смерти матери. В доме своего детства к женщине возвращаются мрачные и тяжелые воспоминания, Клэр оказывается в тумане своего прошлого, в котором блуждает что-то совершенно непонятное и загадочное. И это что-то, похоже, пытается связаться с ней.
Много Дженифер
Make Out Party guy
Два кинематографиста пытаются снять продолжение фильма «Для Дженифер», но в процессе всплывают мрачные секреты. И у Дженнифер, главной актрисы, теперь есть два варианта — сняться или умереть страшной смертью.
Много Дженифер
Два кинематографиста пытаются снять продолжение фильма «Для Дженифер», но в процессе всплывают мрачные секреты. И у Дженнифер, главной актрисы, теперь есть два варианта — сняться или умереть страшной смертью.
The Summoners
Two high school girls invite a new friend to join their secret game of summoning spirits for the thrill of being possessed.
SpaceDisco One
ILM FX Technician
"Spacedisco One" is a sequel to both "Logan's Run" and "1984" at the same time with Orwell's Winston Smith running into the daughters of Logan 5 and Francis 7 as they're busy running about a park firing off laser beams at one another. It's not until they meet that Winston realizes they're actually all fictional characters in a movie. When not discussing "Battlestar Galactica" with Stargirl 7 and Francis 8, Winston makes frequent visits to the Ministry of Truth - Universal CityWalk.
Zombies of the Living Dead
Zombies of the Living Dead (2015)
Zombies of the Living Dead
Zombies of the Living Dead (2015)