Jakub Eliášek

Рождение : 1978-12-07,


O vánoční hvězdě
First Assistant Director
Princezna a půl království
First Assistant Director
Princezna a půl království
35-year-old Eliska has a wedding and is waiting for her big moment. Instead of his "yes", the groom says "no" and runs away from the altar. Fortunately, overwhelmed Eliska has a great friend with a clear recipe for what needs to be done. She herself alternates boys as socks and therefore immediately bases her profile on a dating site. She doesn't like it very much, but she is middle-aged, she's single and she's afraid the train won't miss her. And she wants to take life more firmly in her hands. She therefore throws herself into a blind date and tries to find new love between a series of catastrophic meetings. At the same time, she has to move quickly and the only option is to live with her half-brother, a weirdo who grows bees on the roof and who does not want her at home.
First Assistant Director
35-year-old Eliska has a wedding and is waiting for her big moment. Instead of his "yes", the groom says "no" and runs away from the altar. Fortunately, overwhelmed Eliska has a great friend with a clear recipe for what needs to be done. She herself alternates boys as socks and therefore immediately bases her profile on a dating site. She doesn't like it very much, but she is middle-aged, she's single and she's afraid the train won't miss her. And she wants to take life more firmly in her hands. She therefore throws herself into a blind date and tries to find new love between a series of catastrophic meetings. At the same time, she has to move quickly and the only option is to live with her half-brother, a weirdo who grows bees on the roof and who does not want her at home.
All or Nothing
First Assistant Director
Linda and Vanda, two good-looking women in their thirties, are inseparable friends and co-owners of a small bookstore in the city center. Linda is divorced, educated and practical, has a little daughter and a sense of responsibility. Vanda, on the contrary, is single and free, attracting men as a magnet, but none of them is able to keep up with her spontaneity. Edo, shy, sensitive, and introverted gay working with them in the bookstore, longs for love for ages too. The lives of this trio get finally tangled by several men, while everything turns up differently than any of them had expected.
Принц и я: Королевская свадьба
Assistant Director
Наконец-то история о современной золушке Пейдж Морган подошла к своему счастливому концу! Ее избранник — датский принц Эдвард сделал ей официальное предложение руки и сердца. Теперь, будущую королеву Дании ждет путешествие на родину титулованного жениха, где молодые обвенчаются в большом кафедральном соборе.И все бы хорошо, если бы не пресловутые традиции. Перед самой свадьбой жених и невеста узнают о старинном законе: наследник датской короны, может вступить на престол, только после женитьбы на особе благородной крови. В противном случае, он лишится трона…
Возвращение Джека Потрошителя 2
Transportation Coordinator
После пережитого у Моли Келлер наступил нервный срыв, и она была отправлена на лечение в Европу в экспериментальную клинику для душевнобольных. Вместе с другими пациентами клиники она погружается в мир сновидений, не подозревая, что туда может прийти и Джек-Потрошитель…