

The Snake Girl
Big Madam poisons her husband and throws her adopted sister into a snake pit where she has sex with the snakes and gives birth to the beautiful Snake Girl. When her son falls in love with Snake Girl, Big Madam tries to kill her.
Peakdey Snaeh
Pheakdey and her mother escape from the war area to live in Phnom Penh. They have no money, no job, no shelter, and no food. Her mother is sick and blinded by the war. Out of pity, a woman suggests that they live with her. She provides them with everything they need. But the woman is actually ill-intentioned and wants to sell Pheakdey to millionaires.
The Snake Man
After an affair with the fabled Snake King, a woman gives birth to a son she names Veasna. After Veasna finds a wife, a witch curses their daughter to be born with snakes instead of hair.
The Joy of Life
Captain Siporak and Inspector Sam Baun raid the gambling place at Kirirom owned by Prince Chantavong. This place is disguised as an orchid shop. As soon as Prince Chantavong is detained in jail, his wife, princess Sulpra, spends her time having a love relationship with her nephew. Then she meets Okhnia Sneha Sambat, a great hotelier. Okhnia takes her to a big island at Sihanoukville for their holiday. After being released from prison, Prince Chantavong, armed with guns, tries to look for her everywhere.
Abul Kasem
The king of Baghdad sends out for an heir who is invulnerable and has a black mark on his hand, but is overthrown by a minister, whose son is the head of the army. It is up to the young Abul Kasem to save the kingdom.
Princess Keth Soriyong is the daughter of a giant king. Sovannahong first sees the princess as an apparition in a rose. He becomes so love-sick that he convinces a fortune teller to turn him into a magical golden swan that takes him to the kingdom of Soriyong
Kantha, a classical Khmer ballet dancer, is in love with Phalla, a young air force pilot, but is forced to marry a powerful general.