Jessica's Friend #2
The simple story of two young Michigan high school students, Jessica, Class President, Local Smart Girl, and object of Marlon's affections attempt to get into a small Pennsylvania college. Jessica fights off her parent's expectation of going to their alma mater of the University of Michigan, while Marlon fights his grades and SAT scores.
Сбежав из дома от своего чёрствого и равнодушного отчима, тинейджер Эрик оказывается на манхэттенской площади Таймс-сквер. Здесь он встречает наркоторговца, и тот сводит его с шайкой малолетних правонарушителей, лидер которых начинает обещать Эрику беззаботную жизнь.
A group of celebrants find themselves trapped in an amusement park that is being torn apart by a hurricane during a Fourth of July holiday. The real Ocean View Park in Norfolk, Virginia, scheduled for demolition by the city, actually was blown up and burned down during the filming.