Romana González


So My Grandma's a Lesbian!
Makeup Designer
Eva, a young and promising Spanish lawyer based in Edinburgh, sees her wedding plans with the heir to an important and ultra-conservative Scottish family in jeopardy when she learns that her grandmother, Sofía, has decided to marry…
Las cerezas del cementerio
Makeup Department Head
Makeup Artist
Romance and murder walk side by side in this psychological drama from Spain. A serial killer has been plying his grisly trade in a small town in Spain, murdering young girls and leaving their bodies in a nearby forest.
Makeup Artist
Antonio, a taxi driver, his wife, and two chidren arrive one fine afternoon at a solitary beach, looking for sea-shells. However, they will find more than expected: namely, Ombasi and Yambo, two illegal African immigrants, apparently thrown back to the ocean from where they came, in search of a better life in Spain. The sun sets, and the evening, night and morning which follow see other bizarre characters entering the scene, before the Africans' and the other characters' fates are finally decided.
El rey del río
Makeup Artist
An air-hostess is pregnant but she does not know the name of the father, a foreigner. When the baby is born, she gives it to her sister that has already two children. The child grows up as another member of the family. Although the adults keep the secret, the children know that he is different.
Running Out of Time
Makeup Artist
Days before committing an attack, Antonio, a gunman of the terrorist gang ETA who has dedicated his life to a cause he no longer believes in, meets Charo, a young drug addict who, despite the sordid environment in which she lives, still retains her innocence.
The Sow
Makeup Artist
After spending three years in captivity in Tunis, Bartolomé returns home Extremadura with the only hope to eat his favorite dish: the pork. Along the way he meets a deserter who is traveling with a sow.
The Dark Night of the Soul
Makeup Artist
Pantheon filmmaker Carlos Saura bounced back from a handful of failures with 1989's La Noche Oscura (The Dark Night). Juan Diego stars as San Juan de la Cruz (St. John of the Cross), the legendary 16th-century poet-prophet. Galvanized into action by the spirit of Santa Teresa de Jesus, San Juan fought to install reforms in the Carmelite Order. Like many another visionary, he was regarded as a heretic, and promptly subjected to the most appalling of tortures. Writer-director Saura manages to draw several parallels between the religious persecution of the 1700s and the political despotism of Fascist Spain.
Course Completed
Makeup Artist
A 50-year-old playwright (Jesus Puente) bemoans his fate from his secluded home in Northern Spain in this depressing drama. Side plots include an actress and former acquaintance who comes to visit and his amorous diversions with a 20-year-old local woman.
Hay que deshacer la casa
Makeup Artist
Ana is a middle aged woman who many years ago decided to start a new life in Paris. Now she must return to her hometown after the death of her parents, since they have left her an inheritance. There she meets Laura, her only sister, with whom she has to share the money received and, especially, an old house located in the center of Guadalajara. Now, the two women will have to leave the differences and problems behind that have arisen in the past to catch up and recover the fraternal relationship. Written by lament
A la pálida luz de la luna
Makeup Artist
Carmen leaves her husband Julio to go live with an intellectual who has made a career in the United States. While, Julio goes away to live of rent to house of an aristocrat come to less. After meeting several colorful characters, Julio decides to recover Carmen.
The Lost Paradise
Makeup Artist
This literary film is imbued with the disenchantment of Spanish exiles who left their homes to protest Franco's fascist regime and then returned after its demise to find that democracy had not instilled either ethics or deep motivation in government leaders. Director Basilio Martin Patino presents his story, and a large part of the film is based on his own life, through the experiences of an exiled heroine played by Charo Lopez. She has returned to Spain to look for meaning in her life, something that she never found living in Germany, not even after having a child. She is also in the process of translating the German lyric poet Friederich Holderlin (see the 1985 Halfte Des Lebens) into Spanish, focusing on his epic Hyperion. Excerpts from the translation are voiced over throughout the film. As she looks up old friends from many, many years ago, even those who have achieved worldly success are suffering from the same ennui that propelled her back home.
Double Feature
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Director José Luis Garci has turned his camera inward on filmmakers and screenwriters to portray them as so self-absorbed in the creative process that there is no other world, no other human relationship that can compete. As José (Adolfo Marsillach) and Federico (Jesus Puente) work together on a new screenplay, their interactions with their family (José's teen daughters, Federico's wife) disappear under the all-consuming task of creation. The daughters give up and go off on their own, and the wife joins a convent while Federico barely notices. And when the producer is interrupted by profound grief at the sudden death of his older son, he almost automatically returns to thinking about the film project when the funeral has ended. Garci honors many great directors at the beginning of this film, and the film continues to play out as an elaboration on this homage -- an illustration both of the dedication and the cost of filmmaking, no judgments given.
Взлом 2
Makeup Artist
Детектив Херман Арета принимает дело, рекомендованное его бывшим комиссаром. Новый клиент, по имени Мигель Сампедро, является зрелым гомосексуалистом, которого после 20 лет связи, только что, бросил его партнер, и он хочет знать, есть ли между ними кто-то третий. Когда они оба оказываются мертвыми, кажется, что один убил другого, прежде чем покончить с собой.
Paper Heart
Makeup Artist
Ups and downs of a news agency led by Antonio Borja, a veteran journalist formed during the Franco regime, with the help of his godson and protegé Tomás. The threat of economic bankruptcy, the appearance of Julia, a young journalist from last university generations, the background of the world of tabloids (tricks used by celebrities to remain so, reports sold exclusively by interested parties, photos of Stolen nudes that have been previously agreed) and what is behind the covers of magazines that weekly buy people eager for gossip form the rest of the plot.
Amor es... veneno, Carlota
Makeup Artist
Dos y dos, cinco
Makeup Artist
¡Qué gozada de divorcio!
Makeup Artist
Mis relaciones con Ana
Makeup Artist
Ana, abandoned by her husband, who confessed her having fallen in love with another woman, tries to restructure her life with another man, Andrés, but thinking of not getting married yet. They decide that they'll experience their relationship with full freedom of feelings, until their love lasts. Andrés is often ignorant but believes he's doing things well, cursed by the old ways he's been educated into. Ana herself is not even ready for anything new in her life, yet discontented with her new situation. The problems between the couple are not just financial, but more subtle, and inevitably disenchantment appears.
Viva la clase media
Makeup Department Head
Drama based on the true life of a group of middle class and members of the Communist Party of Spain, who were involved in clandestine political activities during the sixties.
Rocky Carambola
Makeup Artist
Seven Days in January
Makeup Artist
After the death of Franco, the nostalgic fascist regime attempts to preserve the 1936's order.
Bacanal en directo
Makeup Artist
A sex party at a movie producer's house ends with traumatic results for a young couple.
Makeup Artist
A story about a little boy who grows a pair of wings on his back, giving him the appearance of an angel. The boy draws the attention of his community including doctors, scientists and schoolmates. The wings are surgically removed but eventually they grow back.
¡Vaya par de gemelos!
Makeup Artist
Pedro and Lucas are two twin brothers, residents of Tarazona, whom fortune smiles very differently. Luke is married to the owner of a modest supermarket and works as dependent, porter and whatever is needed ... Moreover, unlike his brother, he has never left the village. Instead, Pedro is married to the richest chocolate maker in the place, lives like a king and often travels to Madrid. But to justify his travels he has invented an illegitimate son who lives there studying architecture and that his wife wants to protect, giving him all the money he needs. The plan goes perfect until love complicates things.
Tales of the White Sheets
Makeup Artist
Medieval erotic comedy in which a young man, played by Manolo Otero, comes to a town where he pretends to be tooth-puller and physician. This man is able to invent any potion to quench the sexual thirst of locals.
Till Divorce Us Do Part
Makeup Artist
Miguel is a young Spanish naval engineer in love with an American student of History of Art. When she becomes pregnant, she decides that the easiest solution to her situation is to marry her civilly. However, in Spain in the 1970s, prior to the passage of the Divorce Law, the only way to do so is to apostatize the Catholic Church. For Miguel, a believing devotee, taking this step involves a deep inner conflict.
Más fina que las gallinas
Makeup Artist
El ladrido
Makeup Artist
Sábado, chica, motel ¡qué lío aquel!
Makeup Artist
Mayordomo para todo
Makeup Artist
Carlos, a young "playboy" who lives on the Costa del Sol, has a servant named German who has made him believe he has a degenerative disease by maintaining many sexual relationships, and that he will die if he continues doing so. But Carlos does not want to lose his playboy reputation, so German, his "faithful" butler, substitutes him in bed while Carlos convinces all his conquests that he prefers to make love with the lights off. But the plan is endangered when Carlos meets a girl and wants to marry her.
Makeup Artist
Леонор, первая жена монсеньора Ришара, воскресает через десять лет после своей смерти. Неизвестно откуда взявшийся старец сообщает Ришару, что можно победить смерть, если очень этого захотеть. Ришар возвращается в замок и убивает свою вторую жену. Начинается нечто невообразимое: свирепствует чума, кто-то убивает детей. Чтобы положить всему этому конец, Ришар решает убить Леонор.
Mi mujer es muy decente, dentro de lo que cabe
Makeup Artist
El poder del deseo
Makeup Artist
Javier lives with his mother in a modest apartment. He conducts surveys on the effectiveness of ads. This work provides a humble earning for the two of them. One day he meets Juna at a bus stop. He tries to ask her out, but she refuses. A few days later, they meet again. Slowly a relationship develops, but her plan is to marry someone rich. Javier's wealthy uncle included him in his testament, so Juna talks Javier into killing the uncle.
Los nuevos españoles
Makeup Artist
A Spanish insurance company is absorbed by a multinational, so that, in order to modernize, its employees are obliged to carry out some training courses to adapt to the new situation and the new objectives. Given the relevance of what is at stake, the wives of these men will also be involved at work.
Naked Weekend
Makeup Artist
Angustias, a hotel maid, and Rodolfo, play boy who will spend a few days in that hotel with Octavia, witness how a wealthy lady, seeking to steal her jewelry by thieves, is accidentally killed by her lover in a discussion.
Señora Doctor
Makeup Artist
Elvira Ruiz, a graduate in medicine, is aimed at a village inhabited by rude and stubborn people who don´t understand that a woman can exercise this profession. Due to their ancestral backwardness, the village people have trouble telling their problems to a female, so she must use unorthodox methods to accomplish their task.
Un curita cañón
Makeup Artist
Manolo by Night
Makeup Artist
While Manolo, employed in a tourism agency in the Costa del Sol, enjoys the foreign babes, his wife suffers at home in the city. Advised by a girlfriend she plans revenge by simulating pregnancy. At first, Manolo is very happy to have a baby. However, soon he realizes that he cannot be the father since he was not in the city at the time of conception.
Battle of the Amazons
Makeup Artist
A tribe of vicious female warriors terrorizes the countryside, and especially the males, until one day the men and some local villagers decide to fight back.
La llamaban la madrina
Makeup Artist
Trini is the daughter and granddaughter of thieves. Before it was a specialist in the art of opening safes, but one day decided to change their way of life and is now a cashier at a supermarket. It has also taken a law student boyfriend, but all will be dashed when his father stop, Mr. Baldomero, for stealing 36 kilos of appliances.
París bien vale una moza
Makeup Artist
Поезд ужасов
Assistant Hairstylist
1906 год. Геологическая экспедиция находит в глухом районе Китая захоронение. Останки грузятся в Пекине на транссибирский экспресс. Уже при погрузке русский священник утверждает, что там нечистая сила.
My Dearest Senorita
A woman living in a small town discovers after fifty years that she is actually a man. Will she change her sex and suffer the reaction of a narrow-minded society?
La novicia rebelde
Pierna creciente, falda menguante
Dele color al difunto
Makeup Artist
Unmarried and Mother in Life
Makeup Artist
The frog test confirms Julita is pregnant. This is usually a great news. In this case, no. She is a victim of premarital sex, and he, Paco, a mechanic who, according to some theories of French biologist, explained by a podiatrist friend, will not be liable. Don Ramiro, the father of Julia, is a liberal-minded man, but when his daughter tells him that she will have a son who will not parent, seeking the solution of fatherhood in his gun regulation.
Assistant Makeup Artist
Teresa and Peter settle down in their new home after the wedding. Things are going well until her childhood furniture arrives, sending Teresa into horrible flashbacks of turmoil from memories of her youth.
Una vez al año ser hippy no hace daño
Makeup Artist
La dinamita está servida
Makeup Artist
Los subdesarrollados
Smashing Up
Assistant Makeup Artist
Matilde is a former prostitute who gets married to an american soldier with an uncertain future, due to the possibility of being recruited to the Vietnam War.
Las que tienen que servir
Juana and Francisca are serving at the Stevens house, an American couple. Both of them have a boyfriend, one is an egg-carrier and the other is a transporter with his own motorcycle. And both with a totally totalitarian and macho concept regarding male-female relations. The girls also have two American suitors assigned to the American Base of Torrejón, friends of their masters. Thus, without almost pretending, the two girls will find themselves in the midst of the jealous Spaniards and the beefy Yankees.
Los celos y el duende
Assistant Makeup Artist