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Antonio, a taxi driver, his wife, and two chidren arrive one fine afternoon at a solitary beach, looking for sea-shells. However, they will find more than expected: namely, Ombasi and Yambo, two illegal African immigrants, apparently thrown back to the ocean from where they came, in search of a better life in Spain. The sun sets, and the evening, night and morning which follow see other bizarre characters entering the scene, before the Africans' and the other characters' fates are finally decided.
An air-hostess is pregnant but she does not know the name of the father, a foreigner. When the baby is born, she gives it to her sister that has already two children. The child grows up as another member of the family. Although the adults keep the secret, the children know that he is different.
Days before committing an attack, Antonio, a gunman of the terrorist gang ETA who has dedicated his life to a cause he no longer believes in, meets Charo, a young drug addict who, despite the sordid environment in which she lives, still retains her innocence.
After spending three years in captivity in Tunis, Bartolomé returns home Extremadura with the only hope to eat his favorite dish: the pork. Along the way he meets a deserter who is traveling with a sow.
A 50-year-old playwright (Jesus Puente) bemoans his fate from his secluded home in Northern Spain in this depressing drama. Side plots include an actress and former acquaintance who comes to visit and his amorous diversions with a 20-year-old local woman.
Ana is a middle aged woman who many years ago decided to start a new life in Paris. Now she must return to her hometown after the death of her parents, since they have left her an inheritance. There she meets Laura, her only sister, with whom she has to share the money received and, especially, an old house located in the center of Guadalajara. Now, the two women will have to leave the differences and problems behind that have arisen in the past to catch up and recover the fraternal relationship. Written by lament
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Carmen leaves her husband Julio to go live with an intellectual who has made a career in the United States. While, Julio goes away to live of rent to house of an aristocrat come to less. After meeting several colorful characters, Julio decides to recover Carmen.
Director José Luis Garci has turned his camera inward on filmmakers and screenwriters to portray them as so self-absorbed in the creative process that there is no other world, no other human relationship that can compete. As José (Adolfo Marsillach) and Federico (Jesus Puente) work together on a new screenplay, their interactions with their family (José's teen daughters, Federico's wife) disappear under the all-consuming task of creation. The daughters give up and go off on their own, and the wife joins a convent while Federico barely notices. And when the producer is interrupted by profound grief at the sudden death of his older son, he almost automatically returns to thinking about the film project when the funeral has ended. Garci honors many great directors at the beginning of this film, and the film continues to play out as an elaboration on this homage -- an illustration both of the dedication and the cost of filmmaking, no judgments given.
Детектив Херман Арета принимает дело, рекомендованное его бывшим комиссаром. Новый клиент, по имени Мигель Сампедро, является зрелым гомосексуалистом, которого после 20 лет связи, только что, бросил его партнер, и он хочет знать, есть ли между ними кто-то третий. Когда они оба оказываются мертвыми, кажется, что один убил другого, прежде чем покончить с собой.
Ups and downs of a news agency led by Antonio Borja, a veteran journalist formed during the Franco regime, with the help of his godson and protegé Tomás. The threat of economic bankruptcy, the appearance of Julia, a young journalist from last university generations, the background of the world of tabloids (tricks used by celebrities to remain so, reports sold exclusively by interested parties, photos of Stolen nudes that have been previously agreed) and what is behind the covers of magazines that weekly buy people eager for gossip form the rest of the plot.
Drama based on the true life of a group of middle class and members of the Communist Party of Spain, who were involved in clandestine political activities during the sixties.
After the death of Franco, the nostalgic fascist regime attempts to preserve the 1936's order.
A sex party at a movie producer's house ends with traumatic results for a young couple.
A story about a little boy who grows a pair of wings on his back, giving him the appearance of an angel. The boy draws the attention of his community including doctors, scientists and schoolmates. The wings are surgically removed but eventually they grow back.
Pedro and Lucas are two twin brothers, residents of Tarazona, whom fortune smiles very differently. Luke is married to the owner of a modest supermarket and works as dependent, porter and whatever is needed ... Moreover, unlike his brother, he has never left the village. Instead, Pedro is married to the richest chocolate maker in the place, lives like a king and often travels to Madrid. But to justify his travels he has invented an illegitimate son who lives there studying architecture and that his wife wants to protect, giving him all the money he needs. The plan goes perfect until love complicates things.
Medieval erotic comedy in which a young man, played by Manolo Otero, comes to a town where he pretends to be tooth-puller and physician. This man is able to invent any potion to quench the sexual thirst of locals.
Miguel is a young Spanish naval engineer in love with an American student of History of Art. When she becomes pregnant, she decides that the easiest solution to her situation is to marry her civilly. However, in Spain in the 1970s, prior to the passage of the Divorce Law, the only way to do so is to apostatize the Catholic Church. For Miguel, a believing devotee, taking this step involves a deep inner conflict.
Eleven years ago Fernando Tobajas, a man of a certain age, decided to live in the bathroom, in which he created a small apartment, and never leaves it. Tobajas has given up everything except vanity, and his contacts with the world are reduced to visits from friends and messages sent through the toilet inside aspirin tubes in the hope that someone will receive them and know about his existence. Arabel Lee, a beautiful girl, finds one of those messages.
Школьный учитель литературы Луис Эскрива прощается со старшеклассниками, которые уезжают на лето. Когда он едет домой, то замечает на обочине двух «голосующих» тинэйджеров из класса — парня и девчонку и подбирает их, приглашает на ужин и привозит к себе. Он живет на окраине города в уединенном замке вместе со своим наперсником и слугой Хайме, с которым его связывают более чем странные отношения. Учитель начинает сексуально унижать и мучать и девушку, и парня. Так начинается жестокая игра, где игроки меняются местами и в конце концов оказываются в патовой ситуации. Девушка оказывается не так уж невинна, как кажется поначалу.
Miguel is a massage therapist and is married to Marta. Between them they have mounted a beauty institute, named "Beautiful" and Martha, as director of the institute, operated at Miguel ends up exhausting. Everyone thinks that Michael can not take it anymore, but who dies of a heart attack she is. Miguel decides then live your life doing what you want, in the company of his dog Rustin, and locks in your home, not wanting to go to work and not see anyone. The Beautiful Girls prepare several tricks to get him back, to no avail. Until one of them, Pili, managed to get into the life of Michael ...
A Spanish insurance company is absorbed by a multinational, so that, in order to modernize, its employees are obliged to carry out some training courses to adapt to the new situation and the new objectives. Given the relevance of what is at stake, the wives of these men will also be involved at work.
Harvey hires Mary to seduce his rival Larry and help him gain his revenge. But Maria and Larry fall in love and things become complicated.
Mondo-style docudrama about a war correspondent who comes back home and has a spiritual crisis about his own mortality. Surreal fantasy sequences are mixed with graphic real autopsy footage.
The legendary Loreley has been living for centuries in a grotto beneath the river Rhein in Germany. Every night when the moon is full, she turns into a reptile-like creature craving for human blood. When one girl after another of a nearby boarding school is killed by her, a hunter named Sigurd is engaged to kill the monster.
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Cesar Martin, better known as El Duque, is an elegant, charming and intelligent man, who has been obliged to be known by heart the Penal Code, as their profession is the scam. Cesar has another weakness: his beautiful daughter Silvia is always a decent person.