María Jaén


Барселонская вампирша
Барселона начала 20 века, два города. Один буржуазный и модернистский, другой грязный и отвратительный. Когда Тереза ​​Гитарт, юная дочь богатой семьи, пропадает без вести, новость потрясает всю страну. Вскоре у полиции появился подозреваемый: Энрикета Марти, женщина, также известная как «Барселонская вампирша».
The Power of Silence
Prades, France, 1940s. The exiled Catalan cellist Pau Casals decides not to perform any more in public until the fall of the dictatorship that oppresses Spain. Pierre, a young Frenchman studying with Casals, tries to convince him to celebrate an extraordinary concert as a tribute to freedom.
"Laia" is located in the imaginary village of Sinera, a fishing village inhabited by a series of extreme characters, indiscriminately diverted to the adversities of destiny. There, Laia lives, a woman marked by a miserable and unhappy childhood, that is debated between her cruel husband and lover who is his best friend and faces the hatred of a whole town while dreaming of a freedom that only the sea can grant.
La princesa de Éboli
Two women meet in a sauna. The one, wife of an advertising creative, the other, a rock singer. The publicist, who works on sock ads, has a crazy mother. He is also crazy, by inheritance .
Sexy Radio