Fernando Marquerie


Production Manager
Американец Фред постоянно рассказывает испанским девушкам разные небылицы про своего брата Теда, например, что тот садомазохист и носит кожаное белье. Как ни странно, это вызывает у девушек интерес к Теду. В остальных же случаях неугомонная болтливость Фреда доставляет обоим братьям массу неприятностей, что, как оказалось, было его неистребимой чертой.
The Arrangement
Property Master
After a period of inactivity, Crisanto, a police inspector, returns to the service. When a friend of his is murdered, he decides to take over the investigation.
Femenino singular
Production Assistant
...And the Third Year, He Resuscitated
Property Master
On November 20, 1978 a truck driver picks up a man on the road, that tells him to take him to Pardo's Palace. Soon, the truck driver begins to realize who this person is.
At the Service of Spanish Womanhood
Property Master
A sexually dissatisfied woman is confronted with a man who is the victim of a puritanic education.
Property Master
Классический любовный треугольник. Супруги, отношения которых дали трещину, и молодой красавец, покоривший женщину с первого взгляда. Ревность и беспомощность мужа, драка между соперниками, попытка забыться в объятиях другой — всё как в тысячах подобных драм, за одним исключением. У избранника героини — четыре лапы, хвост и прекрасная чёрная шерсть.
The Transsexual
Property Master
Sympathetic look at the tragic life of cabaret singer Lorna, who was born a man but really just wants to be a woman. She meets a man who loves her but she can't tell him the truth and decides instead to get an operation so she'll be all woman.
The Anchorite
Property Master
Eleven years ago Fernando Tobajas, a man of a certain age, decided to live in the bathroom, in which he created a small apartment, and never leaves it. Tobajas has given up everything except vanity, and his contacts with the world are reduced to visits from friends and messages sent through the toilet inside aspirin tubes in the hope that someone will receive them and know about his existence. Arabel Lee, a beautiful girl, finds one of those messages.
Make Crazy... Not War
Property Master
Lola Reyes is a singer who is succeeding and, therefore, is besieged by everyone. A group of homosexuals are the only ones authorized by his possessive mother to be her friends. Lola falls for a painter, and he falls for her, so her gay gang make him pose as one of them for the mother to authorize the friendship.