Marcela Urivi


Voice Over
Art Direction
A married woman — seeking to purify herself through a "disconnection vow" — leaves her husband and returns to her parents’ home, but finds a situation far from the peace and quiet she had imagined.
Art Direction
Глория — 58-летняя разведенная женщина. Ее дети уже давно покинули дом, но у нее нет никакого желания проводить дни и ночи в одиночестве. Она преисполнена решимости бросить вызов старости. В итоге Глория начинает отрываться на мальчишниках, с головой окунаясь в водоворот вечеринок, в поисках сиюминутного удовольствия, что приводит ее лишь к разочарованию и ощущению пустоты. Но вскоре она встречает Родольфо…
Production Design
Exequiel is a physical education teacher who lives with his father in San Antonio at the same house in which he was born and raised. His life hasn't advanced much ever since, but the re-encounter with an old love and other struggles of life will make him reconsider his future and, especially, his past.
Art Direction
María Luisa Bombal is an underground writer in the early twenties trying to reconcile her passionate and very sexual lifestyle with her life as a socialite among Santiago's very conservative elite.
Ariel Roth is a 30-something graphic designer. He feels close to his Mac, his apartment and riding his bike at night. Ariel doesn't want too much out of life. Is that too much too ask?
Art Direction
Ariel Roth is a 30-something graphic designer. He feels close to his Mac, his apartment and riding his bike at night. Ariel doesn't want too much out of life. Is that too much too ask?