Misha Donat


Red, White, and Zero
Composed of three shorts – Ride of the Valkyrie, The White Bus, and Red and Blue – from three of Britain’s most-celebrated directors - Lindsay Anderson, Peter Brook, and Tony Richardson. Comic legend Zero Mostel stars as an opera singer (in full costume) navigating the London transport network as he attempts to reach Covent Garden in 'Ride of the Valkyrie'. Scripted by Shelagh Delaney, 'The White Bus' blends realism, drama, and poetry as a despondent young woman travels home to the North of England. And Vanessa Redgrave stars in Tony Richardson’s romantic reverie and musical featurette 'Red and Blue'. Produced in 1967, but ultimately shelved.
A Fairy Story
A father tells his son a fairy story. Animated short.
Charlie Bubbles
Charlie Bubbles, a writer, up from the working class of Manchester, England, who, in the course of becoming prematurely rich and famous, has mislaid a writer's basic tool – the capacity to feel and to respond. Now he must visit his estranged wife and son, whom he has set up on a farm outside his native city. His journey accidentally becomes an attempt to reestablish his connections with life, people, and his own history.
Vinko Globakar, a virtuoso trombonist, plays on a stage, alone, Luciano Berio's Sequenza for Trombone.
Vinko Globakar, a virtuoso trombonist, plays on a stage, alone, Luciano Berio's Sequenza for Trombone.
Vinko Globakar, a virtuoso trombonist, plays on a stage, alone, Luciano Berio's Sequenza for Trombone.
-about 'The White Bus'
Follows the creation of Lindsay Anderson's The White Bus (1968), from pre-production to the shoot and in post.
Белый автобус
Фильм основан на рассказе Шилы Дилейни. Молодая женщина утомлена своей скучной жизнью и работой, вызывающей мысли о самоубийстве. Закончив очередной рабочий день, она выходит на улицу и, встречая по пути различных странных персонажей, отправляется на вокзал и садится в вагон, забитый футбольными болельщиками. Прибыв в неназванный город на севере Англии (на самом деле это Манчестер), девушка присоединяется к группе туристов, совершающей сюрреалистическую экскурсию по городу на белом автобусе. Как ни странно, среди экскурсантов находятся мэр и хранитель церемониального жезла, которые регулярно выступают с разъяснениями по поводу осматриваемых фабрик, заводов, учреждений культуры и прочего...