Sarah Lamesch


A young scientist drives away from a lab with a large box in the back of her van. But what does it contain? What follows is a tense adventure story about man's relationship with nature, and the lengths we can go to to protect the things we love. The original cut of the film was shot and edited in two days as part of the Sci-Fi London 48hr Film Challenge, but it has since been re-edited and extended for festivals.
У Реджины было не самое радужное детство, и, сбежав от родственников подальше, она пытается наладить спокойную и безопасную жизнь. Но этим мечтам не суждено сбыться, когда приходит известие, что бабушка Реджины стала жертвой жуткого убийства. Теперь девушке придётся вернуться в родную деревню и разузнать леденящие душу секреты собственной семьи.
Since she’s started a passionate new relationship with the handsome and mysterious Joakim, life is smiling back at Lara again. Her marriage to detective Toni is but a distant memory. But when he accuses Joakim of having committed a series of unsolved murders in Luxembourg City’s Peitruss Valley, Lara’s world is thrown upside down. While trying to prove his innocence, she starts to wonder how well she really knows the one she loves.
Murer: Anatomy of a Trial
Franz Murer, the Butcher of Vilnius, a former Austrian SS officer, established, organized, and ruled the Vilnius ghetto in Lithuania during the World War II. Different survivors of the Shoah testify when he is judged in 1963, hoping to do justice, but, although the evidence is overwhelming, the desire to close this obscure chapter of history seems to surpass the desire for justice.
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В Лондоне 1950-х годов знаменитый кутюрье Рейнольдс Вудкок создает неповторимые образы для королевской семьи, звезд кино, богатых наследниц и светских львиц. Жизнь гения радикально меняется с появлением молодой своенравной Альмы, которая становится его музой.
The Schoolboy
Erica Wilson
The Schoolboy tells the story of Claire Adams, a former teacher and her struggle with survivor's guilt. In the aftermath of a school shooting, she wants return to her old job, however the memories of her past keep haunting her.