Cathy Chang

Cathy Chang


Cathy Chang


Время для себя
Сонни и Майя — счастливая пара с двумя детьми. Она работает в архитектурном агентстве, он следит за хозяйством и воспитывает сына с дочерью. Когда друг юности Хак зовет Сонни на уик-энд в честь дня рождения, в размеренной жизни мужчины начинаются приключения.
Yearly Departed
A comedy special that tackles some of 2021's highlights that people probably want to forget about.
Lazy Susan
Susan's Mom
Susan's family restaurant is in trouble: a competing restaurant, Soup Station, moves in next door and, powered by its ingenious innovation (self-serve soup!) business is slow. How can their traditional Chinese restaurant compete? From this humble beginning, the legend of Susan is born.
Потрахаться в Америке
Goose's Mom
Two foreign exchange high-school students are kidnapped during their quest to get laid on their last night in America.
The Raft
A small crowd of people are gathered in wait when they are suddenly struck by a massive onslaught of water.