Когда идеалистка Паула возобновляет свою работу в качестве врача-волонтера на Амазонке, Тето убеждает своих партнеров основать свой помидорный кооператив в деревне в этом регионе. Но чтобы вернуть сердце Паулы и спасти компанию от банкротства, Тето обязательно должен преодолеть свои испорченные привычки плейбоя и встать лицом к лицу с интересами могущественного фермера, который стоит у него на пути.
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Две лучших подруги становятся студентками по обмену и отправляются за границу. Но смогут ли они избежать неприятностей в этом судьбоносном приключении?
Director of Photography
Carlão is a prejudiced man who works in a car dealership with Cadinho, Zeca and Antunes. In conversations between them, Carlão always boasts of being the greatest soccer and mechanics savvy, all amidst macho and homophobic jokes. When Evaristo is the target of such verbal assaults, he pursues him and locks him in a magic locker. From there comes Carlinhos, a homosexual alter ego that takes over Carlão's body when night comes.
Dona Hermínia will have to rediscover and reinvent herself because her children are forming new families. This supermom will have to deal with a new life scenario: Marcelina is pregnant and Juliano is getting married.
It is a documentary about the trajectory of the liberation of the Brazilian woman's body and exposes the differences of this trajectory to white and black women. The film presents interviews, archive images that illustrate some of the factors that contributed to this liberation in Brazil - such as music, dance, fashion and the contraceptive pill - and proposes a discussion about feminism through the deconstruction of the masculine. The film incorporates fictional scenes where men do not realize their macho and racist behavior and full of class prejudices, rooted and accepted by society.
Director of Photography
Alice Segretto is more agitated than ever. The success of her chain of stores Sexy Delícia takes the businesswoman on a tour around the world. Working endlessly, Alice realizes that she has not been able to keep up with her family, which has also grown. Conflict sets in: how to reconcile this insane life with her family? Impetuously, Alice makes a curious decision, deciding to retire and hand over the business to her mother. But when a competitor comes up with a plan to steal the scene, Alice's life is once again flipped legs in the air.
Синтия Тирелла — обычная девочка, которая жила в мире грез и сказок. В ее мирке не было места злу, но все изменилось, после того как ее родители решили развесить. Она не представляла их по отдельности друг от друга, и эта новость стала для нее сильным ударом. Девочка замкнулась в себе и перестала общаться с друзьями. Только волшебное звучание музыки позволяло ей на некоторое время забыть обо всех проблемах. Казалось, что ничто не сможет вывести ее из депрессивного состояния, но вскоре в ее жизни появился певец, Фредди Принц. Именно ему удается сделать невозможное и привнести в жизнь девочки новые краски...
In this biblical "Hangover" spoof, the apostles awaken to find Jesus is missing and must piece together events of the previous night's wild Last Supper.
The pop band Slavabody Disco Disco Boys, a fever among girls from all over Brazil, announces that it will play in Rio de Janeiro. Gabi, Manu and Ritinha will do everything they can to watch the show far from the city where they live.
Director of Photography
Already famous, at the top of his career, owner of his own school of etiquette, Crô sees himself alone and without a family. Lonely and vulnerable, he ends up living at the whim of supposed family, Orlando, Marinalva, Luane and Nando, whose intentions are far from the best. With the inseparable Geni, Magda and Jurema by his side, Crô will embark on an adventure to find his true family while constantly avoiding the venom of the top columnist Carlota Valdez.
Director of Photography
Lonely, frustrated, and unable to do anything that gives meaning to their lives, Vladimir, Clivia, Regina and Primo trace an absurd plan: to kidnap a millionaire. Yet, they have no experience with crime or any notion of what this kind operation entails. As they take practical steps forward, their fears and ambitions are revealed.
At a Rio de Janeiro motel, an unexpected emergency places all the guests under quarantine. The problem? Not everyone is supposed to be there.
Director of Photography
Two years of research and visits to collections, cinematheques and museums; almost seventy interviews that generated 30 hours of recorded material; more than two hundred scanned photos and more than one hundred films watched. In total, more than a thousand hours of work were needed to prepare Brazilian Cinema in the 20th Century. The work is a fascinating journey through all the cinematic cycles that Brazil lived, from the pioneering Belle Époque, through the great studios like Atlântica and Cinédia, Cinema Novo, the urban comedies of the 70's, until the resumption in the late 90's. The documentary is unique, it gives the floor to who really wrote and lived this story intensely.
Director of Photography
The biography of the Brazilian YouTuber Christian Figueiredo.
Director of Photography
Three couples meet in the middle of Carnival, trying to get together in the midst of various conflicts that have the biggest party in Brazil as a scenario - and often as a cause.
Director of Photography
Аманда и Бруно летят из Рио-де-Жанейро в Сан-Паулу. Она — домой, он — из дома. Их самолет совершает вынужденную посадку в другом городе, и героям фильма «Воздушный мост» приходится ночевать в отеле. Ту ночь едва знакомые Бруно и Аманда проводят вместе, и оба не считают свой роман чем-то серьезным — скорее, просто дорожным приключением. Но случай (или, если угодно, судьба) вновь сводит их вместе.
Director of Photography
At night, loving expectations are mixed with a simple flirtation. Two men meet at a mixed club. Dominated by desire, they go to the house of one of them for a crazy night of sex. But the night is just beginning.
It portrays a pioneering and risky work carried out in a small Xinane base, by FUNAI, near Parallel 10º South, west of Acre, on the border with Peru. In simple installations, in the middle of the jungle, the sertanista José Carlos Meirelles carries out the difficult mission of protecting the isolated Indians of the region, with the help of anthropologist Terri Aquino. With few resources, specialists perform their tasks tirelessly. In addition to carrying out a permanent negotiation with the riverside populations in the area, they also deal with the confrontation with traffickers and squatters who try to invade it.
Director of Photography
How a bad company can ruin a teenager?