A series of interconnected stories, set against the backdrop of the early days of the pandemic. Here, individual souls realize the world is changing, sometimes yielding heartbreak, sometimes yielding happiness, always leading to a deeper understanding of their fellow human beings. From finding love, to connecting through music, heroes emerge, each contributing in small ways to a very new world around them, however dangerous.
It mainly tells a love story about an inspired writer, Xu De Zhi who for the first time will be writing a love story. Due to his lack of experience, he had no idea how to write his story. One day, a mysterious lady named, Qiao Duo Duo came to his house who appeared out of nowhere and forced Xu De Zhi to let her stay in his house. This pair of frenemies see their feelings for each other start to change as they go through their daily lives messing with each other.
It mainly tells a love story about an inspired writer, Xu De Zhi who for the first time will be writing a love story. Due to his lack of experience, he had no idea how to write his story. One day, a mysterious lady named, Qiao Duo Duo came to his house who appeared out of nowhere and forced Xu De Zhi to let her stay in his house. This pair of frenemies see their feelings for each other start to change as they go through their daily lives messing with each other.
Под воздействием глобальных геологических изменений надвигается серия геологических катастроф. Землетрясения, оползни, сели, провалы в земле угрожают жизни простых граждан. Также это может затронуть туннель, который возводили последние 10 лет.