Pablo Greene


My Brothers Dream Awake
Second Assistant Director
Ángel and his brother Franco have been locked up in a juvenile detention centre for a year. Despite the hostility of the place, they form bonds with others inmates and daydream about the future.
My Brothers Dream Awake
Executive Producer
Ángel and his brother Franco have been locked up in a juvenile detention centre for a year. Despite the hostility of the place, they form bonds with others inmates and daydream about the future.
My Brothers Dream Awake
Ángel and his brother Franco have been locked up in a juvenile detention centre for a year. Despite the hostility of the place, they form bonds with others inmates and daydream about the future.
В паутине лжи
Ines' Party Guest
1970 год. Инес, Аугусто и Жерардо по 20 лет. Они члены ультраправой группировки, которая при поддержке ЦРУ, хочет свергнуть диктатора. Вместе они совершат политическое преступление, которое изменит жизнь страны и навсегда разрушит их любовный треугольник. 40 лет спустя прошлое возвращается и не все готовы платить по счетам.
Bad Influence
Third Assistant Director
A rebellious young man nicknamed Tano and a shy Mapuche boy named Cheo bond together by facing the violence and prejudice they carry during their complicated adolescence.
Bad Influence
A rebellious young man nicknamed Tano and a shy Mapuche boy named Cheo bond together by facing the violence and prejudice they carry during their complicated adolescence.
Bad Influence
Executive Producer
A rebellious young man nicknamed Tano and a shy Mapuche boy named Cheo bond together by facing the violence and prejudice they carry during their complicated adolescence.
Фантастическая женщина
Orlando's younger relative
Когда-то Марину звали Даниэль, и она была мужчиной. Но как бы она ни менялась внешне, внутри она все равно женщина. И через десять дней она отправится со своим возлюбленным, Орландо Онетто, на водопады Игуасу. Жизнь вносит свои коррективы: Орландо просыпается с сильной головной болью, Марина успевает довезти его в больницу, но оказывается поздно. Орландо мертв, а Марину подозревают в его смерти. С этого момента для женщины начинается череда унижений.
Singing With Meanin
The life of the composer, songwriter, folklorist, ethnomusicologist and visual artist Violeta Parra, in stop-motion animation.
Singing With Meanin
The life of the composer, songwriter, folklorist, ethnomusicologist and visual artist Violeta Parra, in stop-motion animation.
St John: The Longest Night
Executive Producer
It's June 24 and the people of Lawan, a Mapuche community in southern Chile, are planning a big celebration for Saint John's Eve. Despite this, Cheo a restless and misfit kid, is not happy because this means the return of his father to the community. He is a violent man who, when he drinks too much, vent his anger with his family, unleashing in Cheo strong desires for revenge.