Adolfo Ponte


Una espía enamorada
Makeup Artist
Madame Olga's Pupils
Makeup Artist
Madame Olga is the owner of a luxurious brothel in London, England. One of the brothel's new clients, a young man, falls in love with her. He wishes to have more than sexual relationships with the woman.
...And the Third Year, He Resuscitated
Makeup Artist
On November 20, 1978 a truck driver picks up a man on the road, that tells him to take him to Pardo's Palace. Soon, the truck driver begins to realize who this person is.
Avisa a Curro Jiménez
Makeup Artist
Lord Killarney, delegate of the British Museum, acquires in Córdoba, at an auction, an incunabule, a valuable treatise on Arabic botany, but he is killed and the book disappears. The suspicions fall on El Lince, an old-fashioned antiquarian who had bid with the English to get the book. When he is arrested, he asks his nephew to warn Curro Jiménez, who discovers that the famous treaty actually contains the key to accessing a fantastic treasure that a caliph has hidden in the Mosque of Córdoba and that has been, for centuries, cause of deaths and betrayals. But the stolen book is split in half. The other half is, for years, in the power of El Lince, which he bought from the famous bandit Mariano Romero, who has been presumed dead for thirty years.
The Anchorite
Makeup Artist
Eleven years ago Fernando Tobajas, a man of a certain age, decided to live in the bathroom, in which he created a small apartment, and never leaves it. Tobajas has given up everything except vanity, and his contacts with the world are reduced to visits from friends and messages sent through the toilet inside aspirin tubes in the hope that someone will receive them and know about his existence. Arabel Lee, a beautiful girl, finds one of those messages.
Kilma, Queen of the Amazons
Makeup Artist
A sailor escapes a mutiny on his ship and finds himself stranded on a jungle island--with a tribe of gorgeous amazon women.
La iniciación en el amor
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spanish movie
Beyond Desire
Makeup Artist
The Kidnapping
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Inspired by the famous Patty Hearst case, this thriller centers around a young woman who's kidnapped and brainwashed by a crime ring and ends up succumbing to Stockholm Syndrome.
Makeup Artist
A young woman participates (unknowingly) in a satanic ceremony and gets possessed by the spirit of her late father.
Sleep, Sleep, My Love
Makeup Artist
A dark and surrealistic comedy about a man who gives drugs to his wife, to make her sleep and avoid arguing with her.
Night of the Howling Beast
Makeup Artist
Waldemar, the renowned adventurer, joins an expedition to find the Yeti in the Himalayas. While hiking the mountains, he's captured by two cannibalistic demon nymphets guarding a remote Buddhist temple and becomes their sex-slave. They transform him into a werewolf setting him loose to roam the mountain where he encounters a sadistic bandit.
Three Swedes for Three Rodríguez's
Makeup Artist
Three friends who work together in an office have to stay in a bigger city without their wifes. Therefore they want to take the chance and have some fun joining three girls from Sweden.
La boda o la vida
Makeup Artist
Elena is pregnant and Carlos, the future father does not have financial means to marry her. The solution is in a game show that offers substantial rewards to those who can correctly answer questions about the forties. Patricia, Elena's older sister, mobilizes the whole family. Carlos will undergo an intensive study plan.
The Devil's Possessed
Makeup Artist
An evil ruler uses witchcraft and evil spirits to keep his subjects in line, but the his reign of terror prompts the people to revolt.
Celos, amor y Mercado Común
Makeup Artist
The Guerrilla
Makeup Artist
Adaptation of the text of Azorin theater play. In 1808, Napoleon's troops invaded a village in the Sierra de Madrid. Love triangle between a girl, guerrilla leader and French officer who falls in love with the girl.
Ночь дьяволов
Makeup Artist
В результате поломки машины молодой человек Никола попадает на единственную обитаемую ферму в заброшенной деревне, стоящей среди глухого леса. Семья селян встречает чужака не слишком любезно, и тем не менее гостя приглашают остаться на ночлег, настрого предупредив не открывать ставни на окнах. На следующий день, занимаясь починкой машины, Никола, становится свидетелем странного разговора между старым хозяином и его старшим сыном, после чего старик уходит в лес. Он вернется к концу следующего дня, принеся с собой в дом ужас, скрывавшийся в недрах темного леса.
Cómo casarse en siete días
Makeup Artist
Аризона Кольт возвращается
Makeup Artist
Аризону ложно обвинили в налёте на дилижанс и он “возвращается” в город, где не был уже очень долгое время. Но в городе все уверены, что он там недавно был, ограбил дилижанс и убил людей. За его голову обещана награда 1000 долларов… Естественно, Аризона решает разобраться.
La otra residencia
Makeup Artist
Crazy and macabre comedy written and directed by Alfonso Paso, inspired by 'The Residence', a horror film by Narciso Ibanez Serrador. Two offenders commit a murder and unwittingly decide to separate. One of them found refuge in a villa. Palmiro, a boy from the house who everyone consider silly, discovered him.
Los extremeños se tocan
Makeup Artist
Matrimonios separados
Makeup Artist
Makeup Artist
Владелец респектабельного издательства Карлос получает странную посылку, в которой находится отрубленная женская рука, сделанная из воска. Сделав среди своих подчиненных вид, что стал жертвой глупого розыгрыша, он в панике бросился домой, где обнаружил еще одну посылку. На этот раз в ящике были женское платье, фотография и записка, в которой неизвестный предлагал подождать новых почтовых отправлений. Узнав о происходящем, жена Карлоса решает самостоятельно выяснить причину странного «розыгрыша». Ей удается выйти на таинственную женщину и даже вступить с ней в контакт. Незнакомка поведала печальную историю любви между двумя женщинами, которую безжалостно разрушил один мужчина, за что и должен теперь понести наказание…
No somos ni Romeo ni Julieta
Makeup Artist
Shadow of Death
Makeup Artist
The film begins when a stranger arrives in town. He takes quickly to his former mistress, Denise, who is happily married to John, and has an affair with his identiske twin brother Peter. They plan together to drive John crazy. After unsuccessful attempts to blackmail the couple receive the stranger, Gert, to help them with their evil plan.
99 женщин
Makeup Artist
Вместе с созвездием известных актрис мы попадаем на остров-тюрьму, из которой невозможно бежать. Здесь процветает насилие, сексуальные оргии, лесбиянство, садизм. В этот момент в тюрьме появляется узница под номером 99, которая не хочет мириться со здешними порядками…
Run Like a Thief
Makeup Artist
The theft of a fortune in diamonds and the attempt by soldier of fortune Johnny Dent to outwit his pursuers who would stop at nothing to get their hands on the treasure forms the story-line. The chase reaches across the continent as Dent eludes the diamond syndicate police, a ruthless gangster, and a scheming girl in his attempt to escape.
Tecnica per un massacro
Makeup Artist
Hallucination Generation
Makeup Artist
A juvenile is mad at his mom so he leaves his home in San Francisco to join a charismatic LSD guru's cult in Spain and turns on, tunes in, and drops out. He also gets involved in murder.
Taste of Killing
Makeup Artist
Lanky Fellow has a typical cynical SW like way to earn his living. He observes valuable transports of money or gold, but when they are robbed he doesn't intervene, but follows the robbers and then brings the loot back to collect the insurance. When his "job" brings him in conflict with the notorious outlaw Gus Kenneback, he has personal reasons to protect the money as Kenneback was once responsible for the death of Lanky's brother.
Фата Моргана
Makeup Artist
История одного дня из жизни фотомодели Джим. Из города, где она живет, в шизофреническом ужасе ушли почти все жители. Незнакомец предсказывает Джим, что еще до конца дня она будет убита. За помощью она тщетно обращается к немногим друзьям, что остались в городе.
Proceso a una estrella
Key Makeup Artist
A celebrated cabaret singer, Rosa Lucena, is accused of killing Miguel, her dance partner. She is arrested, but not finding sufficient evidence of guilt, the judges decide to investigate her past, when Rosa and Miguel acted in a theater in Madrid and she fellin love with a young doctor, leaving his career for him. This situation has a direct impact on Miguel, which fails miserably with the withdrawal of his partner.
Residence for Spies
Makeup Artist
Ms. Pendleton is the commander-in-chief of a women's training camp for western spies, recently established in Turkey. CIA agent Leyton receives a mission, to discover and destroy an enemy group operating in the vicinities of that residence. He will manage, with the help, and sometimes extra zeal, of a team of young women recruits.
Fin de semana
Makeup Artist
Romeo e Giulietta
Makeup Artist
Two teenagers fall in love, but their feuding families and fate itself cause the relationship to end in tragedy.
Un español en la corte del rey Arturo
Makeup Artist
An Español gets transported to King Arthur's court.
Eva 63
Makeup Artist
Elena is a writer and is in a relationship with a painter, Fernando. Charo works as a waitress in a hotel and continues to dream of John Sargent, her platonic love, although when she discovers that the actor is gay she returns to her boyfriend Luis. Mara, a model, and Miguel is dating a sick man much older than them. Eugenia is a haute couture dressmaker and cares for her niece Soledad, who wants to be a singer. All of them have ambitions of love, but none is happy with their current situation.
Ужасный доктор Орлоф
Makeup Artist
Полицейский инспектор занимается делом об исчезновения певичек из кабаре. Его предприимчивая невеста хочет помочь в расследовании и появляется в увеселительном заведении под видом дамы легкого поведения. Она становится объектом внимания злоумышленников — доктора Орлофа и его помощника, слепого лунатика Морфо. В уединенном замке доктор снимал кожу с похищенных девушек, дабы использовать ее для возвращения красоты своей изуродованной сестре Мелиссе.
Makeup Artist
Abuelita Charlestón
Makeup Artist
A comedy fantasy film involving a love potion.
La venganza de don Mendo
Makeup Artist
Don Mendo, Marquess of Cabra, gallant and dashing knight of medieval Castilian, is also a virtuous mandoline player and a specialist in climbing towers. But he has a bad run, all played and all lost at seven-thirty (card game), and lost his honor playing in his latest escalation of love to the apartment of his beloved and beautiful Magdalena. Don Nuño Manso de Jarama, father of Magdalena, has pledged the hand of his daughter to the Duke of Toro, and surprises Don Mendo in the room of Magdalena. To save the honor of his beloved one, Don Mendo says that no love has led him to the Tower, but he has climbed to steal. Magdalena is clean of all suspicion, and he is condemned to die buried in the castle wall. The Marquess of Moncada and other noble gentlemen, all friends of Don Mendo, facilitate his escape.
091: Police speaking
Makeup Artist
A police inspector makes his service in a patrol car attenging emergency calls. A memory hauns him, the death of her daughter, who was killed hit by a car that fled. The car is located and the inspector goes there and confrontation will be violent.
Un tipo de sangre
Costume Designer
Red Lips
Makeup Artist
Two girl detectives known as "Labios Rojos" ("Red Lips") outwit both criminals and a bumbling police inspector.
Duelo en la cañada
Key Makeup Artist
Andalusia, Spain, 1890. The feelings of the famous Creole singer Soledad Chacón are divided between an abusive ex-lover and a new love who is willing to marry her, ignoring the fact that she keeps a dark secret…
Anna Said Yes
Key Makeup Artist
Juan does not have a cent but lives beautifully. His nights of revelry and cabaret are famous in the night city environments. As heir to his old and very rich uncle Don Patricio, lives subsidized by creditors on account of his future inheritance. But John keeps a terrible secret: he has long been disinherited. When a telegram arrives announcing the death of the uncle, Juan returns to the family home in the Costa Brava. There he meets Anna, a wonderful woman who is the current heir to the family fortune.
Héroes del aire
Makeup Artist
Las muchachas de azul
Makeup Artist
Serving the customers of a department store, the salesgirls in their blue uniform go out of their way to serve them. But in their young minds, one idea surpasses all: the hunt for a husband. Ana is in love with Juan, who seems to be very well in his condition of single. Olga has aspirations of the highest level, as her boyfriend must own a great car. Pilar aims to win a radio contest. And there is also Álvaro, the lawyer whose only cause capable of defending, and even with a resounding failure, is the freedom of the bachelor.
Miracles of Thursday
Makeup Artist
In Fontecilla, a Spanish village in decline, the mayor and other illustrious citizens hatch a crazy plan to revitalize tourism.
El hombre que viajaba despacito
Makeup Artist
A tank regiment soldier needs a permit to go to his village to meet his newborn son. It will not be easy, leading to absurd situations featuring the legendary humorist Miguel Gila.
The Devil Plays the Flute
Assistant Makeup Artist
When the pieces of a singular figure are unearthed and then joined together, a devil of the lowest category breaks into a small Mediterranean village. From that moment on, the demon will enter the life of a painter named Bernardino, in the affairs of a "modern" marriage, in the existence of a frightened gardener and, finally, in the day-to-day life of the Great Momo.