Основательно изучив досье на гениального вора Генри Кларка, Ричард и Фей Моро предлагают ему сотрудничество. Супруги намерены провернуть искусную аферу — ограбить особняк известного миллионера Салинаса, но без помощи Генри им не обойтись. Взвесив все «за» и «против» Кларк принимает предложение, не предполагая, к каким последствиям приведет его решение…
Freddie Horne loves his job working for a trendy women’s fashion magazine, but his pretty blonde fiancée is getting jealous. To smooth things over Freddie takes a job with the Puritan Magazine Group, an organisation hell-bent on promoting moral reform and ‘family values’. However, the caddish chief executive Miles Fanthorpe is not all he seems. Fanthorpe’s country house is actually full of scantily-clad young women, and he is secretly publishing a girlie magazine!
A Scotland Yard detective is investigating a string of robberies and a murder, and the information he uncovers leads him to the estate of a wealthy but strange English family, who share their mansion with a group of nuns. The detective comes to suspect that neither the family nor the nuns is quite what they seem to be.
Ken's Loach's first production for The Wednesday Play is a story of a group of criminals planning a robbery, with the unwitting aid of a wealthy, well-connected society acquaintance. But who is the greater villain?