Carmen Dene

Рождение : 1944-12-01, Liverpool, England, UK


Некоторые девушки могут
Party Girl in Green Dress (uncredited)
Тайный агент расследует причины неожиданных смертей среди людей, связанных с созданием нового трансконтинентального авилайнера.
Смертельное падение
Основательно изучив досье на гениального вора Генри Кларка, Ричард и Фей Моро предлагают ему сотрудничество. Супруги намерены провернуть искусную аферу — ограбить особняк известного миллионера Салинаса, но без помощи Генри им не обойтись. Взвесив все «за» и «против» Кларк принимает предложение, не предполагая, к каким последствиям приведет его решение…
For Men Only
'The Bird'
Freddie Horne loves his job working for a trendy women’s fashion magazine, but his pretty blonde fiancée is getting jealous. To smooth things over Freddie takes a job with the Puritan Magazine Group, an organisation hell-bent on promoting moral reform and ‘family values’. However, the caddish chief executive Miles Fanthorpe is not all he seems. Fanthorpe’s country house is actually full of scantily-clad young women, and he is secretly publishing a girlie magazine!
The Trygon Factor
A Scotland Yard detective is investigating a string of robberies and a murder, and the information he uncovers leads him to the estate of a wealthy but strange English family, who share their mansion with a group of nuns. The detective comes to suspect that neither the family nor the nuns is quite what they seem to be.
A Tap on the Shoulder
Ken's Loach's first production for The Wednesday Play is a story of a group of criminals planning a robbery, with the unwitting aid of a wealthy, well-connected society acquaintance. But who is the greater villain?