Andreas Hartmann

Andreas Hartmann

Рождение : 1983-02-06, Paderborn, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany


Andreas Hartmann is a German documentary filmmaker and cinematographer for stage and film. He studied Cinematography at the Film and Television Academy (HFF) "Konrad Wolf" in Potsdam-Babelsberg, Germany.


Andreas Hartmann
Andreas Hartmann


Johatsu - Into Thin Air
In Japan, thousands of people disappear voluntarily every year. And there are companies ready to help those who want to disappear without a trace and start a new life somewhere else. Meet some of them in a film that soberly examines a modern phenomenon.
The Strong Sex
Director Jonas Rothlaender confronts nine men, including one gay and one bisexual interviewee, with anonymous statements of other men in his documentary experimental set-up. The topics: sexual (borderline) experiences, traditional role models and the current understanding of male sexuality. The result is that the interviewees themselves subsequently begin to speak openly and frankly about their own experiences. And to reflect on their sexuality. To which social ideals does the male sex see itself committed, and do "typical male traditions" still exist at all today?
"Replacements" depicts a Javanese family routinely observing their neighbourhood day after day, generation after generation, replacement after replacement.
A Free Man
Executive Producer
22-year-old Kei refuses to conform to the Japanese achievement-oriented society. He is homeless by choice, living on the streets and under the bridges of Kyoto. His love for nature and music keeps him afloat in his dream world. However, when he runs out of money, he is forced to face reality.
A Free Man
22-year-old Kei refuses to conform to the Japanese achievement-oriented society. He is homeless by choice, living on the streets and under the bridges of Kyoto. His love for nature and music keeps him afloat in his dream world. However, when he runs out of money, he is forced to face reality.
A Free Man
22-year-old Kei refuses to conform to the Japanese achievement-oriented society. He is homeless by choice, living on the streets and under the bridges of Kyoto. His love for nature and music keeps him afloat in his dream world. However, when he runs out of money, he is forced to face reality.
A Free Man
Director of Photography
22-year-old Kei refuses to conform to the Japanese achievement-oriented society. He is homeless by choice, living on the streets and under the bridges of Kyoto. His love for nature and music keeps him afloat in his dream world. However, when he runs out of money, he is forced to face reality.
A Free Man
22-year-old Kei refuses to conform to the Japanese achievement-oriented society. He is homeless by choice, living on the streets and under the bridges of Kyoto. His love for nature and music keeps him afloat in his dream world. However, when he runs out of money, he is forced to face reality.
My Buddha is Punk
Kyaw Kyaw, a 25-year-old Burmese Punk, obsessively tries to develop the Punk scene in Myanmar. Although the former military dictatorship has experienced a number of democratic reforms, Kyaw Kyaw remains skeptical. Together with his punk band, Kyaw Kyaw raises awareness for the continuing violation of human rights.
Director of Photography
Три дня из жизни группы тинейджеров, пытающихся найти свое место в жизни. 13-летняя Сара и ее лучшая подруга Чарли уже потеряли счет своим парням: свидания на одну ночь, анонимные и неразличимые связи без обязательств. Но когда Сара знакомится в чате с 18-летним Лукасом, ее впервые охватывает жажда реальных отношений и даже настоящей любви. Но интересна ли она Лукасу? Или он просто использует Сару по причинам, не связанным с любовью и привязанностью? Тем временем, Чарли нужно разыскать отца своего будущего ребенка, а матери Сары нужно осознать тот факт, что ее дочь повзрослела…