Laia Marull

Laia Marull

Рождение : 1973-01-04, Barcelona, Spain


Laia Marull
Laia Marull


Gina's death will force Greta and Gemma, her sisters, to get back together after a long time and to reconsider if sharing blood really means to be family.
Алисия наслаждается летом со своими друзьями. Но ей приходится скрывать свои отношения с парнем и это приводит к неприятным последствиям.
Llueven vacas
Fernando and Margarita are a peculiar couple who base their lives on a strange and perverse game. He orders everything he wants and modifies reality at will, and she obeys his orders as best she can. This game will take the protagonists to the limit. In the film, both characters are played by various actors and actresses.
Janine works in a bank giving credits to clients to buy houses and receives the offer of a promotion to work in a future branch in China for which she takes Mandarin classes. One night he travels from work to his home on the subway. There is attacked by two young delinquents a very old woman and Janine tries to avoid it. The young follow her and it is then that they steal and attack her sexually. After recovering from the blows and the anguish he gets up and sees his attackers raping a helpless young girl. Janine, instead of taking some initiative to stop them, flees home. From that situation her life is disrupted and her job promotion to China, her consolidated partner and her present as an independent woman become secondary and worthless issues. Janine lives in anguish and tormented by the memory of that traumatic situation. To try to recompose himself, he travels to the countryside to see his father who is a widower and is trying to rebuild his life after the death of his wife.
Like Shooting Stars
An Italian composer in crisis takes a break in Valencia, where he takes a shine to a famous singer.
La madre
Miguel is a 14-year-old kid about to go back to a centre for minors. His mother, out of work and with an unstable personal life, is incapable of taking care of him. This is why Miguel lives in a state of constant urgency, doing the housework, selling Kleenex or stealing from supermarkets. All this ends when Social Services come for him again, and his mother makes him seek refuge in the house of Bogdan, a Rumanian ex-lover of hers who lives in a nearby town. At the same time, María, the owner of a bar, sympathizes with the boy and gives him the virtually maternal treatment that he does not get in his own home. However, everything is thrust forward when the mother suddenly disappears
The wife of senior Tomás (José Sacristán) passed away, but they don't let him bury her, because the family of the deceased wants to repatriate the body to Paris. So Tomás steals the corpse to be able to bury it in Quatretondeta, a little village in the region of Alicante (Spain), as his wife had wanted.
La Xirgu
Margarita Xirgu
1927. Spain under the Primo de Rivera Dictatorship. The great actress, Margarita Xirgu and her company are about to perform "Maria Pineda" by a young Federico Garcia Lorca. The Dictatorship cannot tolerate it, but the actress, Margarita Xirgu, in the name of freedom will stand her ground.
Alex was adopted at birth. Now that she has come of age, her biological mother has agreed to meet her. She has to choose between letting this opportunity pass or know her at last, striving to overcome the fear of loosing something precious on the journey.
The Waves
After the death of his wife, Miguel decides to take a trip, postponed for many years, Argeles-sur-Mer, a small town in southern France, where thousands of refugees are concentrated for some time.
Наследие Вальдемара 2: Там, где обитают тени
Вторая часть мистического детектива «Наследие Вальдемара», из которой мы наконец узнаем, что случилось с Луисой Льоренте, какая судьба постигла Ласаро Вальдемара, а также станем свидетелями еще одного магического ритуала и встретимся с ктулху.
Черный хлеб
В тяжелые послевоенные годы, в деревне, затерянной в сельской Каталонии, мальчик находит в лесу тела мужчины и его сына. Когда власти пытаются повесить вину за их смерть на его отца, мальчик бросается отцу на помощь, начиная расследование. Но этот опыт учит Андре, что в мире взрослых, пронизанном ложью, необходимо быть крайне осторожным. Теперь, чтобы выжить, он предает свои корни, постепенно открывая чудовище, живущее внутри него.
Наследие Вальдемара
Луиза Лиоренте, эксперт по налогообложению старых зданий, посетившая таинственный Викторианский особняк Вальдемар, что бы провести инвентаризацию собственности, таинственным образом исчезает. Максимилиан, президент компании в которой работает Луиза, нанимает частного детектива Николоса, что бы тот разыскал ее. Занимаясь расследованием, Николос выясняет, что это далеко не первое исчезновение…
Mari Ángeles
A group of people talk about very different subjects, including a strange course that one of them has just completed. There is tension in the air, although it is not quite clear why. They give the impression that they are killing time while waiting for a job that everyone needs for different reasons. Are they actors looking for a role?
Marriage of Vienna, theater director, and Daniel, a geriatric physician, is in crisis. Both cling to their professional activity to fill the void in their lives agonizing. Their worlds seem antagonistic, their needs, different. Account of the worst loneliness: loneliness in the company, and on promises unfulfilled desires can not be met, but it becomes a good excuse to continue living despite everything.
Эль Греко
Jerónima de las Cuevas
Он не оставил после себя учеников, не создал собственной школы и не примкнул ни к одному из художественных направлений того времени. Его искусство было не только шире пределов любой национальной традиции, но и далеко опередило свое время. Уроженец острова Крит, Доминикос Теотокопулос получил прозвище Грек. Именно под этим именем он и вошел в историю искусства. Бежав от судебных тяжб с Крита, художник много лет проработал в Италии, а позже осел в Испании, в Толедо. О его жизни известно крайне мало, не сохранилось ни одного достоверного автопортрета, исчезла могила с его прахом, давно разрушен дворец маркиза де Вильены, где он жил. Да и само искусство толедского мастера пребывало в забвении вплоть до начала XX века. Но время сохранило самое главное — его картины.
The Hidden
At a conference of dream interpretation, the lives of three people will become inescapably entangled: Beatriz, hired to do public relations for the conference; Alex, a writer for an Internet publication covering the event; and Natalia, an audience member whose revelation of her dream sets off a chain of events that brings together these three otherwise disparate characters. The Hidden is about those unseen, largely unknowable forces that seem to surround us and define our lives. Natalia’s dreams might be expressions of her fears and anxieties, but perhaps they could be messages from some beyond. For Beatriz, what’s “hidden” may be less supernatural than emotions she can barely express or control. Antonio Hernandez deftly navigates the lives and feelings of these three characters, gradually peeling away their self-deceptions and delusions until there’s a remarkable and unexpected final revelation.
Las voces de la noche
Spain, fifties. In a town grew around a living factory Jorge (Tristan Ulloa), the youngest son of the founder, and Elisa (Laia Marull), daughter of accounting. The two live with their families and are able to endure the monotony of their lives because they spend the afternoon on Wednesdays and Saturdays at a hotel in the city. This secret life together is essential for both. The small room in the city where encounters occur has become the only place where they can be themselves. That little space, a little sinister, find it more cozy, warm and near the home of Elisa gorgeous, spoiled by the mother, or the great house of George, full of family memories. Both are aware of the type of relationship they have created, and not demand more. Until Elisa decides to break the rules.
Take My Eyes
One winter night, Pilar runs away from home. With her, she takes only a few belongings and her son, Juan. Antonio soon sets out to look for her. He says Pilar is his sunshine, and what's more, "She gave him her eyes"...
The Journey of Arián
Isabel Ulloa
Arián, a young Basque girl, idealistic but naive, joins a ruthless terrorist gang and, hoping to prove her commitment, volunteers to participate in the kidnapping of the daughter of an important businessman.
Tony is a young crook preparing for a bank robbery with her boyfriend Juanjo and their low-life partners Maxi and Moco. Right before they commit the crime, Juanjo informs Tony that his prostitute sister wants him to take her young daughter Laura to visit the girl's father, a flamenco singer in the Spanish southern coastal town of Tarifa. Juanjo persuades the initially reluctant Tony that Laura will provide the couple with a perfect cover after they relieve their partners of the robbery's earnings. Unfortunately, though the robbery comes off without a hitch, the duplicitous Juanjo absconds with the cash, making Tony and Laura fugitives both from the law and from the psychotically angry Maxi and Moco.
Café Olé
Alicia Delgado
Malcolm's (28) new love, Alicia (25), an illegal Chilean refugee, will be short-lived if he does not make the right choice.
Me gusta verlos mirarse
Comedy about love
A group of young twentysomethings face a fall in their lives undergo a major transformation when the time came to take on adult responsibilities. David is 27 and has long been working as a messenger, enough to know it's time to quit.
An Internal Affair
In the early 70s, a rather backwards young soldier with serious family problems finds himself stationed in a small village in Spain's Levante. Secretly in love with a young village girl, Pere slips into her room one night. When he is discovered, the soldier reacts with spontaneous violence, creating an embarrassing problem for the military that the brass decide to handle--expeditiously-- as "an internal affair."
Razones sentimentales
Mario, a young and uprooted Menorcan fisherman, falls in love with Irene, a Barcelona socialite who spends her holidays on the island with her young daughter. After the ambiguous initial relationship, victim of the rumors and slander, she decides to leave him. Mario, unable to resign himself, follows her to Barcelona, where he finds her imprisoned in a marriage lacking in love, in which her husband, a rich and powerful industrialist related to shady business, holds her under the threat of separating her from her daughter.