Federico Vich


Сексуальный каннибал
Сексуальная молодая девушка Лаура Кроуфорд похищена преступниками в одном западноевропейском городе и переправлена на тропический остров в Южной Америке. Бандиты отводят ее в джунгли, где обитают племена, поклоняющиеся дьяволу, и требуют у ее родителей огромный выкуп. На острове похитители издеваются над Лаурой, мучают и насилуют ее. Тем временем на ее поиски отправляются двое героев. Но Лаура решает убежать от похитителей, не дожидаясь прибытия помощи. Естественно, она попадает в лапы аборигенов из дикого племени каннибалов…
Cuando los niños vienen de Marsella
Assistant Editor
Las señoritas de mala compañía
Assistant Editor
La decente
Assistant Editor
Si Fulano fuese Mengano
Assistant Editor
Raúl Arévalo and Miguel García seem like a drop of water to another, but there the similarity ends. Raul is a famous singer, womanizer, despotic, cruel and millionaire. Instead Michael is an honest worker, cheerful and loving who enjoys the simple things forward. Fate will know them and life will never be the same for either.
Don erre que erre
Assistant Editor
Don Rodrigo goes to the bank and when he is going to take his money there is a robbery. Then the bank refuses to give him his money back (257 pesetas, a small amount of money) with the argument that the money was robbed to him, not to the bank. He will fight against the bank till the last consequences.
Dele color al difunto
Assistant Editor
El alma se serena
Assistant Editor
¡Se armó el belén!
Assistant Editor
An old priest, who has old ideas, is intended to exercise the apostolate in a neighborhood in the suburbs of Madrid. There the revolutionary climate and anti-religious character of the congregation thwarts all his attempts to attract them. The Archbishop admonishes him and asks to renew his methods, using the example of a young priest of a modern parish. The old priest tries to apply in his environment what he has seen in the parish model, setting off a chain of events.