Behrouz Vossoughi

Behrouz Vossoughi

Рождение : 1938-03-10, Khoy, West Azerbaijan Province, Iran


Behrouz Vossoughi is one of Iran's most legendary actors. He has over 40 years of experience in the motion picture industry, with featured appearances in more than 90 films. In addition to his work in films, television, radio and theater, Behrouz' performances have earned him recognition at several international film festivals. He was one of the first to play in American and European Co-Productions such as inCaravans (1978) in 1978 co-starring with Anthony Quinn, Jennifer O'Neill (I) andMichael Sarrazin. He was also to play in another American movie called The Invincible Six (1970) with Curd Jürgens in 1962. His major films were, of course, Iranian. In Iran, he is still truly a Mega Star and Role model for an entire generation of Iranians in Post Islamic Iran and under the Shah's Pro-American Regime. Co-starring with his future wife, singer and actress Googoosh in a number of films such as Honeymoon (1976) aka the Honeymoon. He is certainly The Iranian actor who paved the road for the new generation of Iranians working today in Iran and aboard.


Behrouz Vossoughi
Behrouz Vossoughi


Pure White
Self (archive footage)
This documentary movie explores the professional life of Parviz Fanizadeh, Iranian actor of the 60s and 70s cinema and theater, with investigating through archival footage of his works and referring to his fellow artists.
(archive footage)
A found-footage essay, Filmfarsi salvages low budget thrillers and melodramas suppressed following the 1979 Islamic revolution.
Razor's Edge: The Legacy of Iranian Actresses
An examination of the work and lives of actresses in the Iranian film industry prior to the 1979 revolution, featuring myriad interviews and rare film clips.
Сезон носорогов
Навеянная самой жизнью великолепная работа мастера повествует о трагической истории поэта Сахели и его возлюбленной Мины. Главного героя осудили на тридцать лет, а его семье сказали, что он умер. Выйдя на свободу, ему нужно заново начинать жить, но как?
The story of a young woman who has been working as a prostitute since childhood. The film traces her slow disintegration into psychic delirium. Wracked by both guilt for her actions and a strong desire for salvation, her madness manifests itself in her perception of the world around her. Chronicling the course of her breakdown with imagery that is both graphic and beautiful, Neshat evokes the torment of one so tortured by her subjugated role in society that she feels completely powerless. As the men Zarin encounters appear without faces, horror, shame, and guilt overwhelm her. Viewing this as her punishment from God, she flees the brothel for a bathhouse. Scrubbing her skin raw and bloody, she attempts to make amends with her past; however, she descends deeper in madness as she strives for redemption.
Broken Bridges
The plot of film is constructed on the basis of memoirs of the son and mother. They were divided with border between northern and southern Azerbaijan.
Terror In Beverly Hills
When the President's daughter is kidnapped, it's up to an ex-marine to save her. The problem is that the terrorist leader has a lingering hatred for him, as he has been wrongfully blamed for the death of his wife and children. The action heats up, as the two mortal enemies confront each other with extreme violence.
Menephta, The Royal Architect
Путешествия в Долину Фараонов оборачивается для египтолога Эрики гораздо большим, чем она предполагала, — убийством, предательством, любовью и древним проклятием мумии.
Действие фильма происходит в вымышленной ближневосточной стране Задестан. Сотруднику посольства США, Марку Миллеру, поручается задание: выяснить местонахождение дочери американского сенатора, вышедшей замуж за полковника Назруллу и потерявшую после этого связь с родителями. Нашему герою удается узнать, что женщина сбежала от своего жестокого супруга и примкнула к каравану бедуинов из племени кочи. Марк отправляется на поиски каравана.
Cat in the Cage
Bruce Khan
A young man returns to his rich family's estate after a stay in a mental hospital. He finds that his father has married his deceased wife's nurse, who is secretly plotting with her lover
Nabi who suffers from Epilepsy is hired by Khosrow to follow his fiancé Golrokh in order to find out about the male lover khosrow presumes she has. Nabi finds out that Golrokh has a ...
Majid Dokaleh
Desiderium lyrically charts the hapless loves of a three brother: Majid, they young handicapped brother with a deformed head falls in love with Aghdas, a prostitute hired by his eldest brother Habib to entertain him, not knowing the truth about her profession. Karim, the middle brother is so infatuated with a quail that he almost completely ignores his wife and her emotions. Habib himself is in love with Foroogh, a tailor lady who lives with them, while his sense of responsibility about Majid keeps him from requiting her affections.
Ali Taarofi
Ali with the help of Jafar convinces some maids to steal from their lord's house. He meets a rich girl who lives with her grand father alone and decides that he wants to steal her house too...
The Idol
Sadegh and Naeem deliver some smuggling goods to a person and escape from the police. Meanwhile they meet a young girl who wants to get her ill father to a doctor. She asks them for help ...
Reza and his mother Mah Banu, have a good and near relationship with Hossein family known as Khan Baba. Reza spends his time with Changiz, the son of Hossein family, and is interested in his sister, Mino.
The Divine One
Dr. Hatam
Mr. Mavadat in a party in his garden gets poisonous and his friends have to take him to doctor Hatam. But the doctor hides many dark secrets in his basement which are revealed little by little.
Mamal Amricayi
A Young guy (Behrouz Vossoughi) who is dreaming to go to America is trying to manage the money by stealing it, then one day he meets a wealthy girl (Gogoosh).
Наш молодой герой влачит жалкое существование: дом за долги умершего недавно отца собираются продать. Мать плачет дни напролет и просит найти выход из ситуации, а лучше всего найти огромную сумму. Да тут еще возвращается из тюрьмы родной дядька — профессиональный вор-домушник. Вот с его помощью и решается наш молодой герой заработать денег, а точнее ограбить дом одного богатого тегеранца. Вот только не подозревает он, что этот ночной грабеж станет нелегким испытанием в его жизни. Встретившись с девушкой на берегу моря, защитив ее честь в схватке с бандитами наш герой уже через пару дней не может представить свою жизнь в будущем без этой дерзкой беглянки. И ради нее он готов на все…
Zabih, a tough guy who committed a murder in support of his girl, Aghdas is released from prison after 15 years. When arrested, Aghdas was pregnant with his child. Now Zabih sets off for his hometown to find Aghdas and their son.
Recently have been released from jail, Ebi makes a bet with his Friend that he goes and drinks in seven bars without even paying any money.
The Deer
Wounded by the police, a thief looks up his old friend in order to leave the proceeds of his theft with him. Instead, he finds that his friend is a drug addict. He sticks around to try and help his friend kick the habit; instead, both men are caught in a shootout with the police and...
The Compromise
Javad / Dr.Rastegar
A thief accidentally overhears a phone call in which the caller lies to his wife while cheating on her. Thief decides to blackmail him.
Zaer Mamad
Действие фильма происходит в 1911 году, в эпоху царствования Ахмада Каджара. Это история бедного крестьянина из Тангсира Зар-Мехра, обманутого и разорённого богатым торговцем. Отчаявшись получить одолженные торговцу деньги и не найдя нигде справедливости, Зар-Мехр начинает мстить всем: торговцу, нотариусу, адвокату, мулле. Зар-Мехр становится народным героем.
The Curse
An old man who works for a landlord brings a young worker to paint the house for him. The old landlord is alcoholic and has a young wife and together they manage a ranch. Little by little ...
The Hateful Wolf
Forging with his wife, Gladam, is planted and planted in a piece of land away from the city. People in the village do not have a favorable opinion of them, so when the blacksmith wants them to help him in the delivery of his wife, they refuse and finally the blacksmith's wife goes on. People do not even allow the burial of a blacksmith's wife in the cemetery of the village, and at this time, the blacksmith is impelled and he wants to kill revenge.
The Dagger
Abbas chakhan
Banafsheh, a young prostitute who has fled with a man to the seaside in hope of starting a new life has to return to her profession as she learns about the betrayal of her lover. Penniless and emotionally broken, she also has to bear with the taunts of the other girls and the threats of the roughneck patron of the house, Mammad who unfailingly refer to his dagger to consolidate his supremacy. In fact it was Mammad who ordered the man to rob Banafsheh of her money and abandon her. Banafsheh apparently has not learnt her lesson, as she trusts her next customer and falls in love with him. Her new lover , Abbas, is a truck driver who received his nickname for his habit of constantly lying, but it seems that he gives it a break when promises Banafsheh to get a house of their own...
Ghasem (Behrouz Vosooghi) after getting released from the prison goes after his friend Abbas in the south. He there first has a fight with a guy who caused him to be jailed and then meets a...
Two gangster squads who smuggle antiques fight each other in Zahedan. The first squad's members manage to kill the members of the other squad. Two villains of them rape a woman Leila who is the wife of a man his name Baluch and escape to Tehran. He pursues them and shots them. While thinking that he had killed them, he surrender to the police and imprisoned for 12 years. When released from the prison he finds that they are not dead. He goes after them and kills both of them.
Rashid and his freinds ...
Escape from the Trap
Morteza who is recently freed from prison, promises Mehri to buy her out the debt she has to pay her husband. In order to do so, he commits a rubbery that won't turn out well.
A Man, a City
Officer Sharafi
Ahmad is a driver whose mental tensions every time cause him to be hospitalized. He escapes and hides in the house of a nurse Zhale but they capture him. Ahmad escapes once again and takes ...
The Window
Sohrab is going from his city Abadan to work in his uncle's factory in Tehran. Sohrab meets a girl Taraneh who is pregnant. She with the help of Asghar Zhila wants to accused Sohrab of ...
Dash Akol
Dash Akol
Dash Akol is greatly respected in Shiraz as an honorable man who has lost his family's money through helping his friends. He has an enemy, however, named Kaka Rostam, a mean and spiteful person. Dash Akol, who is in his forties, falls in love with Marjan, daughter of the late Haji Samad, for whose estate he is the executor. But he keeps his love secret. One day a suitor asks for Marjan's hand, and Dash Akol considers it against his code of honor to refuse. On the night of the wedding, Dash Akol hands over responsibility for the family to the bridegroom. As he is leaving the house, however, Kaka Rostam is waiting for him and a fight ensues. Kaka Rostam stabs him in the back, but Dash Akol succeeds in killing him. On his deathbed, Dash Akol sends his parrot to Marjan with the confession of love he has taught it.
Reza Motorcyclist
Reza Motori, who has feigned madness, escapes from an asylum and robs a factory, with the aid of a friend. Afterwards, a young writer, who looks exactly like Reza, visits the asylum in order to write about inmates. There he is mistaken for Reza and detained. Meanwhile, Reza assumes the identity of the writer. Reza falls in love with the writer's fiancée and decides to give up the money he has stolen from the factory, but his friends prevent him from doing so.
The Invincible Six
Based on the story "The Heroes of Yucca," The Invincible Six features a ragtag group of jewel thieves who become the unofficial guardians of a small Iranian village. When bandits attack the village, looking for the body of their former leader and his treasure map, the Invincible Six are there to save the day, wooing the local females and frustrating the new leader of the bandits.
The Ring-necked Dove
There is an old saying in Farsi, "if you catch a Toughi to keep, it will bring bad omens to the members of the family". ...And that's what happens to a very close nit family when Toghi is ...
The Soil
After the death of the landlord of the village, his European wife demands the land of Baba Sobhan but his two sons who farm there are refusing. They promise to pay the rent on the right ...
Leyli and Majnoon
Gheysar returns home to find that his young sister has committed suicide and his older brother Farman got killed. When he finds that Aghmangol brothers are behind all of this decides to get revenge. His uncle advised him not to go after revenge but he begins to pursue them killing them one by one. Finally, when killing the last brother he himself is getting killed by the police.
Blue World
Two sisters from an aristocrat family fall in love with the son of their driver. Finally the little sister retreat for the oldest sister to get marry with him.
Come stranger
Amir Ahmad
A young guy leaves his pregnant girlfriend and goes to Europe to study. The disappointed girl try to commit suicide but at last moments is saved by the brother of that guy. He marries her ...
It's Written in the Stars
The Black Suit Thief
Hossein Simorgh
Two brothers lost each other in their childhood. When grow up one becomes a thief known as the black suit thief and the other a cop. While they meet each other they have to overcome many troubles against love and law.
In Modabber family there is an old will which every time causes bloody consequences and that is all the heritage is should remain for their sons only. This time before the will take place their son in law Seif tries to kill the son. But the son Borzu is saved from getting killed by a local hunter who lives in the mountain Dalahoo. All fortunes will go for their nephew Arezoo but after 20 years Borzu is back and wants to take revenge.
Emroz -o farda
The bus takes orphanages for a short camp to the northern regions of the country...
Farewell to Tehran
The Bride of the Sea
Habib and Maryam love each other and want to get marry but another guy Akbar first go to her father and proposes for her. Meanwhile the father is in debt to Changiz which makes him to face him.
The Pleasures of Sin
A deaf-mute girl (Sahar/Fourouzan) in a village is raped by a man (Jabbar/Behrouz Vossoughi), becomes pregnant and gives birth to a baby. Jabbar later marries the village headman's daughter...