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Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar, “Mio Cid”, is in love with Jimena, but the Count of Oviedo, his father, challenges him to a duel and is killed. He before him curses Rodrigo, that if he marries Jimena, he will lose his manly faculties. And, in fact, when he gets married, Rodrigo becomes effeminate.
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Assistant Editor
A Spanish "Dallas" parody.
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Black Wolf is forced again to fight his rival, who now has been appointed California Governor. Against such power, the lonely 'wolf' fights a duel to the death.
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A version of "Zorro" (fox in Spanish) but this time is a wolf... and black, located in California in mid-nineteenth century
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Assistant Editor
Lord Killarney, delegate of the British Museum, acquires in Córdoba, at an auction, an incunabule, a valuable treatise on Arabic botany, but he is killed and the book disappears. The suspicions fall on El Lince, an old-fashioned antiquarian who had bid with the English to get the book. When he is arrested, he asks his nephew to warn Curro Jiménez, who discovers that the famous treaty actually contains the key to accessing a fantastic treasure that a caliph has hidden in the Mosque of Córdoba and that has been, for centuries, cause of deaths and betrayals. But the stolen book is split in half. The other half is, for years, in the power of El Lince, which he bought from the famous bandit Mariano Romero, who has been presumed dead for thirty years.
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spanish movie
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Zoraida is a single mother and bearded woman in a circus, while Charly works in transvestite shows. Together they will live a difficult and unusual love story.
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Marisa Salinas gets her first job at one of the top publishing companies of her country. Don Ricardo Arencibia, her boss, is a man who does not appreciate innovation and new proposals from the staff, but enjoys bloody crime stories, and beautiful women. Don Ricardo invites Marisa out for dinner; they start behind friends and, soon, they start a sexual relationship. All goes well - safe for a little mystery that envelops Ricardo's ex-wife. Marisa decides to investigate... and she will uncover much more than she expected: Ricardo had been trying to make Marisa look like his former wife, and there is a plot involving large scale corruption.
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Inspired by "The diabolical" by Clouzot. The life of a woman becomes a sinister nightmare due to the plan drawn up by her husband.
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Воспитанный одинокой матерью Хаси рос избалованным ребенком, ни в чем не получая отказа. Повзрослев, он непроизвольно ищет в других женщинах черты своей матери, затевая один мимолётный роман за другим с дамами, намного старше него. Но все его приключения заканчиваются возвращением домой с букетом роз для той единственной, кого он любит по-настоящему. Однажды он застаёт свою мать в постели с любовником. Шокированный произошедшим, Хаси уходит из дома, решив жить самостоятельно. Единственное место, где его ждут – маленькая коммуна хиппи во главе с художницей Элен, пытающейся заработать, подделывая картины Пикассо.
Assistant Editor
В жизни Рут одновременно присутствуют двое мужчин. Мишель – скромный, любящий, но наскучивший супруг, с которым она планирует в ближайшее время развестись. Поль – импульсивный, уверенный в себе мачо, в лице которого женщина видит идеального спутника для дальнейшей жизни. Судьба сводит их вместе на загородной вилле Рут. Она чувствует неловкость, Мишель «всё понимает», но робко просит не спешить с разводом, Поль великодушно терпит поверженного соперника.
Мелодраматический треугольник встряхивают два инцидента, один за одним произошедших с Рут. Сначала на горном серпантине у неё отказали тормоза, затем под водой неожиданно закончился кислород в, казалось бы, полном баллоне акваланга. Женщина уцелела в обоих случаях, но в её сердце поселился страх. Кто-то хочет убить её или, того хуже, ненаглядного Поля. Она начинает подозревать Мишеля, но правда оказывается куда как страшнее.
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Two bank employees use a computer to determine the girls for their sexual affairs in their newly hired flat.
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Assistant Editor
Don Ramon, a wealthy patron, receives his son back after he has sent him away to medical school, only to have him fall in love with his new young wife.
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Lucas, typical average Spaniard, shy, gray and repressed, is married to sanctimonious Enriqueta, so he is always aware of other women, although the couple are already parents of nine children, which is why Lucas will do the unspeakable to convince his wife to take the contraceptive pill, something practically sinful for a practicing Catholic like Enriqueta.
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Diego, retired from flamenco due to an illness, is obsessed with the memory of Antonia Jiménez, a beautiful woman he loved in the past and with whom he formed an artistic duet. Now, after having triumphed on the stages of half the world, she returns from America, while he is dedicated to survive in the suburbs of Madrid mixed up in shady business. He kills the man who stole his woman. A tragedy could be sensed in the air.
Assistant Editor
The musical group Los Bravos is enjoying a short holidays. It's in a mountain hut, near a girls' school, eager to see and hear.
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Assistant Editor
To avenge his father's death and free the people of Seriphos from the evil King Galinor of Argus, the noble Perseus must defeat a dragon -- and the monster Medusa, whose steely gaze has cast the kingdom's best soldiers into stone.
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A battle between revolutionary Mexicans and the U.S. cavalry brings Zorro onto the scene to enact vengeance for violent acts incurred by the cavalry Sergeant. Once the Sergeant is killed, Don Jose de la Torre retires from being Zorro and settles down to live a quiet life. The brother of the Sergeant, in an act of his own justice, dons the costume of Zorro and terrorizes the countryside. In an act to draw out the true Zorro, the imposter kidnaps Don Jose's wife, making him once again don the mask to rescue her.
Assistant Editor
John is a shy and good-natured man who lives in Ceuta and does everything by correspondence, from studying a career or learning judo to getting a girlfriend. She is from Madrid and the time has come for Juan to meet her so he takes a boat to the peninsula. In the boat he coincides with Maria, a beautiful young woman who goes to the capital to study chant and which he had previously met accidentally. During the trip, foreign smugglers try to use John to pass inadvertently stolen diamonds in Tangier.
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