Ģirts Ķesteris

Ģirts Ķesteris

Рождение : 1964-02-14, Valmiera, Latvian SSR, USSR [now Latvia]


Ģirts Ķesteris


Maria's Silence
Leonids Zakovskis
The film tells the story of an artist avoiding a confrontation with power and the artistic and personal consequences of this choice. A powerful historical drama on the true story of Maria Leiko, famous actress who late in her career has to decide between fame and love for her grandchild, between her ideals or the lies of Stalin’s totalitarian regime.
In The Land That Sings
Looking for solutions of an efficient management and creation significant ideas to flourish Latvian culture and education, leaders of the Riga Latvian Society decide to hold the 1st Latvian Singing Festival back in 1873. At the beginning there are only four of them, very soon others – Latvians, Baltic Germans and Russians get involved, both influential persons of the society, countless volunteers from Riga, Livonia and Courland governorates. Also twenty-year-old Anna, whose desire to sing is stronger, despite the obstacles she has like any woman in that period of history, finds a way to join. By singing she finds self-confidence, power, joy of life and sense of unity, flourishing together with the Latvian nation, becoming a symbol of woman’s freedom.
Идеальное убийство
Taxi Driver
Дэвид и Роберт едут после вечеринки на автомобиле и случайно сбивают свою новую знакомую. Сестра погибшей Ванесса начинает собственное расследование, которое приводит к цепочке загадочных смертей. Всё больше указывает на то, что всё произошедшее кем-то тщательно спланировано.
The Year Before the War
Stylized as silent cinema, the film connects political and philosophical extremes of 1913 in a story of a young man participating at the creation of a new world. This mysterious adventurer, who was known as Peter the Lett, gets involved in a tragicomic and surreal race from a routine clerk job and a romantic passion in Riga to preparation of the world revolution in Vienna, psychoanalysis at Freud’s salon and seduction of Mata Hari in Paris.
We have sex in Latvia! A light comedy about building relationships - with passion and funny misunderstandings. All characters of this movie are in desire for flirt - be it at a swingers' party or during a sudden encounter with a beautiful stranger on the balcony.
What If..
1991, Riga Latvia. Lena, a child of divorced parents, escapes from home in the middle of the night when she is fed up with her fathers drinking habits. That's when her journey back home begins.
Человек, который спас мир
Main Operative
Лишь немногие знают его. Но сотни миллионов людей живут благодаря ему. Фильм расскажет о Станиславе Петрове, отставном советском офицере, действия которого предотвратили начало ядерной мировой войны.
Golfstrim pod Aysbergom
Киноальманах состоит из 3-х новелл, объединенных мифом о Лилит, первой жене Адама, упоминаемой в древних преданиях Востока, в Талмуде, каббалистике Средневековья. Автор задумал фильм как эротическую притчу о вековечном противостоянии Человека и Матери-природы, ненасытной в своей жажде рождать и уничтожать. По легендам, Лилит была создана, как и Адам, из глины. В ссоре она покинула его, поэтому не запятнана первородным грехом и избежала проклятия. У нее нет души, она бессмертна. Она принимает любой облик, овладевает мужчинами против их воли и покидает, когда захочет, обрекая их на тоску и погибель. Что бы она ни делала, это не является ни Добром, ни Злом. Она — другого естества…
The Only Picture
Historical reenactment of preparation in Nov. 17 and proclamation of independence of Latvia in Nov. 18, 1918 and in epicenter is only taken photograph of this historical moment.
Don't Talk About It
Beatrise is drifting in life. She has based her existence on unsuccessful relationships that have collapsed, like sand castles, one after the other. Forced to re-evaluate things, she realizes that she can only achieve harmony by learning to rely on herself, and not on illusory feelings or words.
The relationships between two people are never easy. Especially when complicated by their professions. We are used to think that profession or occupation puts a stamp or a mask on peoples' personality. He is a pastor, she is a prostitute. Everything's clear. But underneath he is a man, she is a woman. Simple and difficult in the same time. Short film "Scortum" tells the story of the mazy relationships between sin and happiness which can never be solved.
Defenders of Riga
The film dramatizes November 11, 1919- a crucial date in the battle for Latvian independence. A year after the end of the official hostilities of WWI, a renegade German general and troops remain outside the Latvian capital. Latvian riflemen, most of them inexperienced volunteers, somehow managed to defeat a larger, better-armed force of German and Russian mercenaries.
Roses of Autumn
The film is about a middle-aged couple experiencing a midlife crisis. The husband and wife are tired of life together and start to forget the love they once shared in their youth.
Дом без выхода
Для художника Старо связь с медсестрой Яной, матерью-одиночкой, стала необходимой отдушиной от семьи и ремесла, которое незаметно подменило творчество. Однажды теплым осенним днем герои едут на дачу и становятся пленниками бежавших из тюрьмы преступников. Безнадежно больной главарь беглецов перед смертью пытается доказать своим пленникам, что ради сохранения жизни все люди способны на самые низкие поступки. Однако Старо находит в себе силы противостоять бандиту...