Antonio García


Писатели свободы
Рассказ о нелегких буднях учительницы английского языка, преподающей в одной из школ калифорнийского городка Лонг-Бич. Ее ученики — почти сплошь субъекты, для которых английский совсем не является родным языком. Ко всему прочему, Лонг-Бич славится своими бандитскими традициями.
Long Life Together
Policía Comisaria 2
Petra and Matthias are a bad marriage. He works as a janitor at the school of anatomy. Petra has a bitter and uncompromising character, so that their discussions with Matthias are constant, but she is careful not to ever lift his voice. He, however, does not care who tell and shouts without hesitation. The neighbors, who are some gossips are at the end of the street everything that happens in the house of Petra and Matthias.
To er mundo e... ¡mejo!
Episode 2 of the stories of jokes in the street.
Life the Way It Is
Le garde d'Agnès
Agnes leaves school and moves into a council house in Bagnolet with her friend Florence. She take a job as an office clerk, and becomes a staff representative after a colleague is dismissed for resisting the advances of her lecherous superior...
Marked by Men