This film adapts the novel by Yeonbeon authors, Liang Chun-sik and Kim Nam-hyun, for the screen. It describes the romantic stories of seventeen-year-old boys and girls, which can be applied to the general young generation of Yeon-beon these days..
This film adapts the novel by Yeonbeon authors, Liang Chun-sik and Kim Nam-hyun, for the screen. It describes the romantic stories of seventeen-year-old boys and girls, which can be applied to the general young generation of Yeon-beon these days..
This film adapts the novel by Yeonbeon authors, Liang Chun-sik and Kim Nam-hyun, for the screen. It describes the romantic stories of seventeen-year-old boys and girls, which can be applied to the general young generation of Yeon-beon these days..
This film adapts the novel by Yeonbeon authors, Liang Chun-sik and Kim Nam-hyun, for the screen. It describes the romantic stories of seventeen-year-old boys and girls, which can be applied to the general young generation of Yeon-beon these days..
Вон У живёт с бабушкой и мамой. В школе у неё нет друзей из-за нарколепсии, однако, для мамы она всё ещё остаётся энергичной и полной жизни девочкой. Однажды ей случается присоединиться к школьной проектной группе вместе с Чжун Со, который дразнит её соней. Чжун Со учит её фотографировать и ездить на велосипеде, постепенно девочка открывается ему и они сближаются.
In 1592, Japan invades Chosun (the ancient name for Korea). While thousands submitted to the foreign rule, Non-gae encourages General CHOI Kyung-hoe to love her, so that she can behead him. In 2007 Korea lovers Seung-hyun and Young-shin are also botanists in search of a legendary flower believed to absorb human souls. During their mountain trek, they encounter Jae-jin a stranger who insists he knows them both. Jae-jin’s presence has a strange effect on Seung-hyun, whose bursts of insanity eventually threaten Young-shin’s life. Eventually Seung-hyun finds himself in a struggle to death with Jae-jin. The film is a fantasy motivated by a historical story of Nongae and the idea of Buddhist transmigration of souls.(KOFIC)
This atmospheric drama follows photographer Min-woo, who enters into a torrid affair with a now-married ex-girlfriend, although he is distracted by a building obsession with the tormented ghost of the young woman who used to live in his apartment.