Sound Mixer
Идут последние дни Первой мировой войны. Канадскому туннельщику приказано провести команду союзников к немецкой базе, скрытой глубоко ниже любых траншей. Немцы потеряли контроль над опасным биологическим оружием, которое превращает людей в сумасшедших убийц. Отряд оказываются в ловушке. Не так страшен Западный фронт, как то, что находится под ним.
Sound Recordist
Триллер о человеке, который потерял всё то, что любил, и, чтобы вернуть назад свою семью и вернуться к нормальной жизни, ему придётся встретиться лицом к лицу с мистическими явлениями, пройти бесчисленное количество испытаний собственной веры, тронуться рассудком и изучить самые тёмные уголки своей души.
Sound Mixer
This menacing monster yarn stars James Van Der Beek as government scientist Dan Leland, who's sent to investigate reported sightings of a giant squidlike beast that's put the entire population of a fishing village on edge. Though Leland starts his journey confident that this sea creature with an insatiable appetite is the stuff of old legends, a string of horrific occurrences soon begins to change his mind.
Boom Operator
A movie about the travails of Jason (Mark Webber), a young gas station attendant and movie projectionist living in Nebraska. His encounters with various social difficulties and with Frances (Zooey Deschanel), a beautiful and enigmatic young woman leads to dramatic changes and decisions in his life.
TV Store Owner
A movie about the travails of Jason (Mark Webber), a young gas station attendant and movie projectionist living in Nebraska. His encounters with various social difficulties and with Frances (Zooey Deschanel), a beautiful and enigmatic young woman leads to dramatic changes and decisions in his life.
Sound Mixer
A serial killer preys on prostitutes from the mean streets of a small, mid-west city as the police turn a blind eye. With an insatiable sexual appetite, the killer brutalizes his victims and leaves their bodies at Moon Lake outside of town. A voice inside the killer's head commands him to kill, his victims beg for death. John Martin Crawford is only too happy to oblige. But Moon Lake happens to be a spiritual holy ground for the local Native Americans, and soon the victims' ghosts are haunting both family members and complete strangers in desperate pleas for justice so their souls may rest. A supernatural story that reminds us the dead are not powerless.