Geórgia Costa Araújo


Vou Nadar Até Você
Ophelia is a 20-year-old girl who lives with her mother and grew up without a father. She suspects that he is Tedesco, a German artist who has just returned to Brazil. Determined to find him, she sends a letter notifying him of her arrival and that she will swim to him from the Santos bridge. Upon learning of the imminent arrival, Tedesco asks Smutter, his great friend, to start following her closely.
Chorar de Rir
Nilo Perequê is a successful comedian who stars in a TV show. When he wins the award for best comedian of the year, the comedian decides to radically change his career and devote himself totally to drama, leaving his family and businessman desperate.
Love in Sampa
Пляж будущего
Донато работает спасателем на одном из пляжей Форталезы. Его младший брат Айртон боится воды и восхищается им, когда Донато бросается в бушующие волны, чтобы спасти чужую жизнь. Однажды Донато спасает голубоглазого немецкого туриста по имени Конрад и в тот же день исчезает с ним. Семь лет спустя, Айртон отправляется в Берлин на поиски своего пропавшего брата.
Onde Está a Felicidade?
Onde Está a Felicidade?
Executive Producer
Executive Producer
Three metropolitan stories entwine in São Paulo. Would-be actress Marina arrives in the city looking for independence, falls madly in love with Justine, a bisexual rock singer, and is swept up into her wild, edgy lifestyle. Marina shares a flat on Avenida Paulista with Suzana, a mysterious transsexual lawyer who begins a relationship with a male colleague who is unaware of her condition. Jay lives a few floors above them. He is a frustrated writer trying to give a meaning to his life by idealizing a stunningly beautiful prostitute, whom he transforms into a sort of muse. Following the frenetic pace of the city, the three "Paulista" characters will experience the euphoria of passion and its downside.
Знак зодиака города
Associate Producer
В то время как планеты и звезды перемещаются по небу Сан-Пауло, подвергая каждого своему влиянию, мужчины и женщины города задаются вопросом, сбудутся ли их мечты и желания. Жил, например, женат, но очень одинок. Жозиалдо родился, чтобы быть женщиной. Моника озабочена лишь собой. Астролог Тека во время вечерней радиопередачи отвечает на вопросы анонимных радиослушателей и оказывается в сложной ситуации: с одной стороны, она должна вникать в беды посторонних людей, а с другой – решать свои собственные проблемы. Постепенно судьба вовлекает всех участников в общую историю сложных взаимоотношений.
Determined to escape their poverty-stricken lives, four talented young women living on the outskirts of Sao Paulo, Brazil, form an all-female rap group but find their road to success is riddled with sexism, racism, and violence. One by one, they succumb to their grim realities...until they discover that out of struggle come strength, and out of strength, the courage to continue on.
Up Against Them All
A story about the lies, treachery and vengeance of a middle-class family living on the outskirts of São Paulo. Four characters try desperately to change their lives, but are unable to escape their destiny.
Nunc et Semper
Director of Photography