Terrence Scammell
Рождение : 1958-01-10, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Allen (voice)
Spookley and Mistletoe encounter three stray kittens for whom they must brave a raging winter storm to find a home.
Grimmer (voice)
Далеко-далеко, в дремучем лесу есть маленькое королевство троллей. Случилась беда, во время забега сильнейших король Гром попал в капкан и обратился в камень. На трон взошёл его злой брат… Юный принц Трим (сын короля Грома) может спасти своего отца и всё королевство, но для этого он должен отправиться в опасное путешествие в мир людей.
Ancestor (voice)
Необыкновенная история происходит в долине муми-троллей, волшебной стране, где живут эти сказочные персонажи. Муми-троллю не спится, и вместо спячки он решает познакомиться с зимой. Встречая странных существ, блуждающих по заснеженной долине муми-троллей в зимнем сумраке, главный герой пытается узнать, кто же такой — этот чудесный гость Рождество...
Planetarium Narrator (voice)
Time to put on your party hats and dancing shoes - D.W. is turning five! When her birthday doesn't go as planned, D.W. runs away to the magical island of Ukubonga. Meanwhile, Arthur has skipped her birthday party to go on a school trip to the planetarium - but instead of transporting him into outer space, it transports him 4 years into the future! This is one party you don't want to miss.
Merante (voice)
События развернутся вокруг маленькой сиротки, которая, следуя за мечтой стать балериной, приезжает в Париж в 1879 году.
Dare to be square! In a world where "The only good pumpkins are round pumpkins!" SPOOKLEY THE SQUARE PUMPKIN is often teased by the other pumpkins because of his odd shape. Soon, Spookley is befriended by Edgar, Allan and Poe, three hilarious spiders, who convince Spookley that square or not, he has a right to be the "Pick of the Patch" on Halloween. "A square pumpkin the Pick of the Patch?" Not if mean round pumpkins Big Tom and Little Tom can help it. These two bullies tease and taunt Spookley because of his square roots. Encouraged to continue to become the "Pick of the Patch" by kindly Jack the Scarecrow and his bat sidekicks, Boris and Bella, Spookley isn't sure he has what it takes until a mighty storm threatens to destroy the entire patch. As the storm rolls the round pumpkins uncontrollably across the patch towards the raging river, Spookley realizes "it's fine to be round while the weather is fair, but there are times it's better to be a square!"
Scambocop (voice)
В футуристическом городе Скамбовилле, среди огромных небоскребов и гигантских информационных видео дисплеев, расположился крохотный домик-мастерская с маленьким садиком, в котором живет и создает удивительные механизмы мастер Джузеппе. Он всю жизнь мечтал о сыне и вот его мечта практически сбывается. С помощью своего верного ассистента кибер-пингвина и голографической феи, Джузеппе создает маленького очаровательного супер-робота Пиноккио. Благодаря мощному микропроцессору «Р3К» Пиноккио умеет смеяться, говорить, петь и танцевать. И у него тоже есть заветная мечта — стать настоящим мальчиком с живым сердцем…
В далеком прошлом галактиками правили аракианцы, питавшие свою силу из великого источника бессмертия. Спустя века после их гибели ключ к нему нашел коварный злодей Тайлер, вознамерившийся подчинить себе вселенную. Но на его пути к магическому источнику, спрятанному в каменных палатах на далекой планете Юроборис, встала могучая воительница ФАКК-2, которая будет преследовать Тайлера в ледяных глубинах бескрайнего космоса, обыскивая неведомые миры, населенные жестокими разбойниками, таинственными магами и невероятными созданиями, до тех пор, пока безжалостный тиран своей кровью не заплатит за гибель ее родной планеты.
Chicago Radio DJ
When schoolteacher Kieran Johnson discovers that his father was not a French sailor (as he had been led to believe) but rather an Irish farmer, he looks to his mother for answers. When she refuses to provide any, Kieran travels to Ireland.
John Patterson (voice)
Elly thinks she can handle bringing April to work with her, but the library has never before seen such destruction. April is very different from the other Patterson kids: the characters look back at Elly’s pregnancy and the circumstances around April’s birth,during a freak winter storm in the early hours of April 1st. Now that the older kids don't need them as much, John and Elly realize that, even though April is a handful, she’ll still grow up way too fast.
John Patterson (voice)
Michael is frustrated that he has his license, but isn’t allowed to drive the family cars. Michael and Gordon go in together to buy a used fixer-upper, thinking it's a guaranteed babe magnet. It has the opposite effect, continually breaking down - and straining their frienship. Elly has booked April’s birthday party over at the Burger Bin, but she comes down with the flu and has to ask Michael to take April and look after the party, leading to some lessons about life, and friendship.
John Patterson
Farley's been a bad dog. He's been digging up the garden, squishing the squash, and chasing other dogs at the pet show. Elly labels him a “Good-for-Nothing.” Meanwhile, Michael makes an enemy of Brad Luggsworth by showing him up in front of his girlfriend. On Hallowe’en night, Farley escapes, forcing John to look for him while he takes Elizabeth Trick-Or-Treating. Farl is nowhere to be found, but when Brad and his buddies corner Michael alone in an alley, he's got a shot at redeeming himself.
John Patterson (voice)
An uninvited guest attends Michael's Valentine's Day party.
John Patterson (voice)
Michael is dragged on an unwanted family camping trip which proves more enjoyable than he expected.
The story of the lonely Emperor and the captivating songbird that comes to live in his palace.
Fred (voice) (as Terrence Scammel)
This timeless tale written by Hans Christian Andersen tells the comic adventures of a tin soldier accidentally knocked off the toy shelf, and of two lovable, lonely mice who inadvertently place the soldier in danger, then set out to rescue him and return him to the music box ballerina.