Mercedes Gómez


Costume Design
That Night of November
Executive Producer
Roberto and Miguel have been dating for ten years. A decade of that common life will return to their memories during four days of November. A seemingly strong relationship will start to crumble with each new memory. This increasingly significant life backgroung will show, little by little, the true nature of their shared life. Meanwhile, more than 2000 kilometres apart, in The Two Berlins, a greater relationship is about to change too. In the deep of a relationship lie hidden feelings forged by a common past. Secrets and resentments that the rest of the world can not see, separated by a wall that seems unbeatable. The wall separating Roberto and Miguel was not the only wall that fell down that cold November night.
Власть страха
Ortiz's Mother
Линкольн Райм — знаменитый криминалист, автор множества книг, навсегда прикованный к больничной постели. Амелия Донаги — начинающий полицейский, делающий первые неуверенные шаги по кровавым мостовым. Когда в городе появляется страшный маньяк, она становится глазами и ушами Райма на обезумевших от ужаса улицах.С ее помощью гений криминалистики пытается разгадать тайный шифр, скрытый в непредсказуемых убийствах.
I Get Off at the Next Stop, What About You?
Assistant Makeup Artist
A divorcing couple remembers the best years of their lives.
Últimas tardes con Teresa
Assistant Makeup Artist
Adapted from the novel by Juan Marse, the film shows two distant worlds in the Spain of the 50's, the suburban and the bourgeois, which are related through two characters, Manolo Reyes, vulgar motorcycle thief who aspires to escape poverty and Teresa Serrat, university student of bourgeois extraction seduced by the revolutionary cause.
Corridas de alegría
Makeup Artist
Miguel, who escaped from prison two months before finishing his sentence, thinks only of revenge and finding his beloved Diana.
El alcalde y la política
Assistant Makeup Artist
Суббота, воскресенье и пятница
Makeup Artist
Во всех трех сегментах главные герои попадают в комические ситуации. В первом итальянская компания, ожидая приезда японского инженера, направляет в качестве его гида свою сотрудницу, но затем выясняется, что инженер — женщина. Во втором водитель грузовика по просьбе соседки притворяется ее мужем на время, пока родители с Сицилии наносят девушке визит. В третьем театральному режиссеру предстоит сложная задача нарушить брачные планы его танцовщицы, чтобы она осталась в труппе.
El señor está servido
Assistant Makeup Artist
Three stories of three housemaids: Martina, shop steward, serves a marriage that can not have children because she entered the house with that condition. Basilia, Cateta coming to serve and not do anything, the contract for a small fee and let she carry a transistor always hung over the shoulder. And Lali, a gorgeous girl, but very serious and decent, it does not last any longer than 24 hours home because everyone wants to conquer.
Los hombres las prefieren viudas
Marisa is an employee in a travel agency. She is in mourning and her workmates call her in fun 'the little widow'. One day, Carlos, the owner of a hotel in Almuñécar, visits the agency and is attracted by her thinking that she really is a widow. She falls in love with him and, encouraged by her friend Amelia, they both go on holiday to the hotel owned by Carlos.