Anna Kowarska


The Ring with a Crowned Eagle
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A Polish Resistance fighter who survived the Nazi years cannot accept the new Communist power.
Мастер и Маргарита
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Польская версия фильма по роману Михаила Булгакова "Мастер и Маргарита"
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История о педагоге Януше Корчаке, который руководил домом еврейских сирот в Варшавском гетто.
300 миль до неба
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ПНР 80-х годов. Маленький городок. Герои фильма — Ендрек и Гжеш — живут с родителями и братьями в вагончике, в очень тяжелых условиях. Отца, учителя истории, уже дважды увольняли из школы за политические взгляды. Мальчикам сложно приспособиться к системе. Ребята решают как-нибудь пробраться на Запад. Они надеются, что там смогут заработать деньги, чтобы помочь родителям…
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During the Second World War, tens of thousands of blonde, blue-eyed Polish children were snatched from their parents and given to German families. Lebensborn was part of Hitler's plan to expand the Aryan master race within the Third Reich. Eight-year old Jerzy returns home at the end of the war to a joyful reunion with his long-lost mother and grandfather. But problems arise as he is taunted by his peers and, longing for his missing father, burns with resentment for his new communist stepfather.
Teenager pretends to be mentally ill to get away from a reformatory.
Funeral Ceremony
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After the death of a respected academician, who in his private life was a tyrant and a phony, the family awaits arrival of a prodigal son to begin the ceremony. However, the deceased has prepared a vengeance for his disappointing sons...