Eiji Inoue


Accomplished actor and martial artist, Eiji Inoue impacted audiences with his performance in In the Cage (2013) as the character San Tao. He has also appeared in many well-known films such as The Last Samurai, Click, and Pearl Harbor. For the episode "Chimera" from NCIS, Eiji Inoue impressed production so much that they switched a role from one concept to another just so that Eiji could play the character, Satoshi Takada. During Eiji Inoue's acting career of 23 years, he has appeared in more than 60 plays. He is best known for his role as Takeshi Kawabata in Take Me Out a play by Richard Greenberg. This Tony Award winning production made a revival in Los Angeles and continued to be extended 3 times winning both critics' and audiences hearts alike. Not only is Eiji Inoue a driven and talented actor, he is also extremely experienced in Chinese martial arts, specifically Wushu Kungfu. With over 30 years of martial arts training and competitions, Eiji is adept in 18 different styles and weaponry uses. Some of which are Broad Sword, Double Broad Sword, Straight Sword, Long Spear, 3 Section Staff, Japanese Samurai Sword, etc. Because Eiji continues to perfect his craft by participating in theater when not working on films and TV, he has had the privilege of being cast alongside prolific actors such as Tom Cruise, Leonardo DiCaprio, Ben Affleck, Josh Hartnett, Adam Sandler, Meg Ryan, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and many more. Awards: ADA Award for Best Ensemble Cast for The Box. Nominations: His independent film Pearlblossom Hwy (2012) for AFI's Film Festival Top 10. Official Selections for Vienna International Film Festival, AFI Fest, Starz Denver Film Festival, International Film Festival Rotterdam, Bradford International Film Festival, San Francisco International Film Festival. Eiji Inoue's next project, Conversation, is expected to shoot in November 2014. With 2 projects already slated to come out in 2015, Eiji Inoue is one busy actor ready for more prominent roles and creatively challenging projects.


A Different Beyond
Old Man
“A Different Beyond” is a short sci-fi thriller action movie that showcases the cinematic abilities of the FUJIFILM X-T3 mirrorless camera, which is capable of DCI 4K 10bit 4:2:2 uncompressed output at up to 60 FPS.
Syndicate Smasher
A group of mercenaries hired as contract killers are hunted down by the Mafia, the Yakuza, the Russian Mob, and the Tongs all at once.
Syndicate Smasher
Tadao Kanehara
A group of mercenaries hired as contract killers are hunted down by the Mafia, the Yakuza, the Russian Mob, and the Tongs all at once.
Japanese Soldier
Простой американский ребенок пытается сделать невозможное – он хочет, чтобы его отец вернулся со Второй Мировой войны.
Blonde Squad
They're beautiful, they're brilliant, and they can kick your butt. Jill Masters is the toughest one that will take no prisoners. Brandi Nash is the hot, sexy, and the lethal one that uses her beauty to get what she wants. Sabrina Steele is the smartest brilliant leader of Blonde Squad. Last but not least is Jane Bond, the classy bad to the bone rookie who is hard-as-nails. They work for a man named Colonel Thorpe the head of D.I.C.E. from Langley Washington DC. The Blonde Squad are sent into action when the devious mastermind Contessa Dell"Oro, the evil leader of the Frogmen plot to destroy the world in 48 hours with her new X-bomb Nuclear Missile if the world leaders do not reach her demands on time. She will wipe out each country with everything in it every hour.
In the Cage
San Tao
Marvin Fields is caught up with challenges and obstacles. On the verge of losing his family, he has to step up and face his adversaries. Marvin tries different avenues to help eliminate these difficulties, but his efforts are futile. Now, he decides to take desperate measures in saving his family and finances. When hell breaks loose and nothing seems to work, a true character is revealed through Marvin. Later on, Marvin discovers martial arts through his best friend Frank Biggs. This martial art will help Marvin find himself again and give him a sense of purpose.
Остин Пауэрс: Голдмембер
Taxi Driver
В 1975 году отец Остина Пауэрса - знаменитый английский шпион Нейджел Пауэрс - был похищен голландским злодеем Голдмембером. Теперь, в 21-ом веке, знаменитый шпион Остин Пауэрс решает помочь своему отцу. Заручившись поддержкой своего давнего врага - Доктора Зла, с помощью его машины времени Остин совершает прыжок во времени. Он оказывается в 1975 году, в эпохе диско. Однако вскоре выясняется, что одержимый идеей завоевать весь мир Доктор Зло, был сам в сговоре с Голдмембером и возможно причастен к похищению отца Остина. Может быть, похищение Нейджела Пауэрса - это всего лишь уловка двух злодеев, совершенная, чтобы заманить к себе Остина Пауэрса? Вместе со своей очаровательной давней подружкой Фокси Клеопатрой Остин Пауэрс пытается распутать злодейские планы Доктора Зла и Голдмембера, чтобы не только выручить своего отца, но и спасти весь мир от этих злодеев...
Перл Харбор
Japanese Soldier
Эта история двух друзей — летчиков. Их судьбы переплавились в топке Второй мировой войны. Их чувства были опалены языками великой страсти. Огонь стал для них вторым домом.Мир рушился, прошлое скрылось в сумерках пожарищ, и теперь за будущее должен был бороться каждый, на земле и на небе, в дружбе и вражде.
Брат Якудзы
Shirase's Henchman
После разгрома родного мафиозного клана боевик Аники Ямамото по прозвищу Старший Брат бежит из Японии в Америку. Здесь его встречает чужой, но не менее жестокий мир безжалостной борьбы за власть в преступной среде, в которой Ямамото решительно отвоевывает себе место, следуя древнему кодексу «якудзы».Полагаясь только на свои силы и дорожа верными друзьями, он в одиночку ведет войну с врагами, зная, что в самом конце кровавого пути его ждет триумф или смерть.