Sean McIntyre

Sean McIntyre


Sean McIntyre


Found in a Dream
Uncle Mark
Set in Australia and Ethiopia, this film explores the journey of a young adopted Ethiopian-Australian man struggling to find his path. Abeselom is a drug dealer living in Melbourne. Experiencing isolation and navigating between doing what is right and doing what he must to survive, Abeselom's world is changed when he meets a young nurse named Netsanet. The film is about love, culture and, ultimately, finding comfort within connection.
The Boss
Оскар уволили, ее бросил парень, и она решает отправиться с друзьями в хижину в лесу рядом с городом-призраком под названием «Проклятье». Там она хочет подумать о своей жизни, но в лесу ее находит демон Единорог, который жаждет ее крови, чтобы завершить ритуал, который поднимет Сатану из Ада.
The Legend of Ben Hall
Mr McCauley
Ben Hall is drawn back into bushranging by the reappearance of his old friend John Gilbert. Reforming the gang, they soon become the most wanted men in Australian history.
Men of the Earth
Councilman (Extra)
Traffic is delayed on the edge of a roadwork site, but what are the council workers doing? A privileged encounter with a secret somber ritual of working men. This is the second in Andrew Kavanagh’s trilogy (after the successful "At The Formal’) exploring tribalism and ritual in contemporary society.