Tonya Pinkins

Tonya Pinkins

Рождение : 1962-05-30, Chicago, Illinois, USA


Tonya Pinkins was born in Chicago, Illinois. She has four children. Her father was a police officer and insurance salesman and her mother is a former postal worker. She has two brothers, Eric Swoope and Thomas Swoope and a sister Tamera Swoope from whom she is estranged. She was interested in the arts from a young age. In high school, she studied acting at the Goodman Theatre Young People's Program. Aged 18, she briefly attended college and decided to pursue an acting career instead. She later returned to college, earning an undergraduate degree from Columbia College in Chicago, followed by graduate work at Carnegie Mellon's music theater program, and a year at California Western School of Law in San Diego. Pinkins is probably most admired for her stage work. She won a Tony Award for her performance as Sweet Anita in Jelly's Last Jam. She was nominated for her roles in Play On! and in Caroline, or Change, where she played the title role. Her additional Broadway credits include Merrily We Roll Along, Chronicle of a Death Foretold, The Wild Party, House of Flowers, Radio Golf, A Time To Kill and Holler If Ya Hear Me. Pinkins has performed in several Off Broadway productions, including the comic role of Mopsa, the Shepherdess, in The Winter's Tale produced by the Riverside Shakespeare Company at The Shakespeare Center in 1983. In 2011, Pinkins starred in the world premiere of Kirsten Greenidge’s Milk Like Sugar at La Jolla Playhouse, and received a 2012 Craig Noel nomination for Best featured Actress in a Play. She reprised her role in the Playwrights Horizons in the Peter Jay Sharp Theater, and garnered a 2012 Lucille Lortel Award for Outstanding Featured Actress in a Play. In 2012 Pinkins starred in Katori Hall's play Hurt Village, the gritty drama about life and change in a Memphis housing project made its world-premiere at Off-Broadway's Signature Theatre Company as part of the theatre's inaugural season. The play also Marsha Stephanie Blake, Ron Cephas Jones, Saycon Sengbloh, Lloyd Watts, Charlie Hudson III, Nicholas Christopher, Corey Hawkins, Ron Cephas Jones and Joaquina Kalukango. In 2014, Pinkins appeared in New Federal Theatre's revival of Ed Bullins' The Fabulous Miss Marie opposite Roscoe Orman; in the Broadway production of Holler If Ya Hear Me; and the world premiere of Branden Jacobs-Jenkins' War at Yale Repertory. She has also had a prolific television career making guest appearances on such television shows as Army Wives, 24, Law & Order, The Cosby Show, Cold Case, Criminal Minds, and The Guardian among others. During the mid-1980s Pinkins created the role of Heather Dalton on the CBS soap, As the World Turns. In 1991 she was cast as Livia Frye in All My Children. Pinkins left All My Children in 1995 but returned to her role in 2003. She was later put on contract with the show from March 2004 until June 2006, when she was downgraded to recurring status. She has played Amala Motobo on the popular television show 24. She has appeared in several films in supporting roles, including Newlyweeds, Home, Fading Gigolo opposite Woody Allen, Enchanted, Premium, Romance & Cigarettes, Noah's Arc: Jumping The Broom and Above the Rim among others.


Tonya Pinkins


The Surrogate
Karen Weatherston-Harris
Jess is thrilled to be the surrogate for her best friend and his husband, but when a prenatal test comes back, it creates a moral dilemma that threatens their friendship.
Red Pill
Set over Halloween weekend 2020, this political thriller follows six friends as they head into "red" country to canvas white women to vote. They are armed with idealism and determination, but they should have brought heavy artillery. As they explore the creepy house they booked for the weekend distressing clues indicate that they should get out of there, but they decide to stay. They should have brought heavy artillery.
The School for Wives
The School For Wives, at its core, is about gender power dynamics. We are looking forward to telling this classic 17th century French tale through the lens of a contemporary aesthetic and an all female, primarly non-white cast to further bring into focus the inherent power of justice and equality over racism and sexism. Furthermore, by casting a Black woman in the central role of ARNOLPHE - a white man of power and privilege, who is forced to realize that he cannot control or snuff out ANYONE's humanity - we are shining a light on the ultimate absurdity of similar American systems of oppression.
Жена художника
Liza Caldwell
Заботливая жена, посвятившая всю свою жизнь талантливому художнику, но очень не простому в плане характера мужу, начинает замечать, что ее спутник жизни меняется на глазах. Он начинает забывать имена и события, часто его настроение портится без причины. Жена очень переживает и ищет объяснения этим переменам. Муж активно отказывается от какой-либо помощи, полагая, что вполне способен «обслуживать» себя сам. Но это не так.
Mr. Talented
Valerie Brown
Inspired by a true story, Mr. Talented follows a space-obsessed photographer whose life and sanity unravels as he struggles to make a name for himself in the art world.
Психотерапевт Эмили Милбёртон берёт нового клиента, Джоша Нормана. Мужчина страдает от галлюцинаций и видит в докторе очередную надежду на исцеление. Джош влюбляется в Эмили, однако не может быть уверенным в реальности этих отношений: всё может оказаться лишь галлюцинацией. Тем временем Эмили начинает отношения с братом пациента, телевизионным актёром Крейгом, и обнаруживает, что у «здорового» брата гораздо больше проблем.
Мои дни с Мерси
Люси, активистка движения против смертной казни, на одном из митингов встречает шикарную Мёрси, связанную с жертвой преступления, в котором обвиняют её отца. Женщины постепенно узнают друг друга и их отношения меняются от враждебности до любопытства и физической страсти.
Книга Генри
Principal Wilder
11-летий Генри — гениальный мальчик, живущий в обычном американском пригороде. Он не по годам рассудителен, всегда заступается за младшего брата, ведет финансы своей матери, однако даже с его умением просчитывать любую ситуацию на несколько ходов вперед мальчишке удается далеко не все — например, он ничем не может помочь соседской девочке-сверстнице, с которой жестоко обращается ее отчим-полицейский. Звонки в службу опеки, жалобы в полицию и разговоры со школьными учителями ни к чему не приводят, и тогда Генри решается на отчаянные шаги, но внезапно открывшаяся болезнь не позволяет мальчику самому воплотить задумку в жизнь. Генри передает матери свои записи, где подробно описана операция, которая освободит соседку от угнетений тирана…
An Act of Terror
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The true story of Virginia Christian, a 16-year-old African American girl accused of murder in the Jim Crow South.
Best Worst Thing That Ever Could Have Happened...
This film from acclaimed theater director Lonny Price charts the journey of the original cast of Stephen Sondheim's "Merrily We Roll Along" in the 30-plus years since the musical debuted on Broadway at the Alvin Theatre in 1981.
Collective: Unconscious
Ripa the Reaper
A man and his grandmother hide out from an ominous broadcast. The Grim Reaper hosts a TV show. The formerly incarcerated recount and reinterpret their first days of freedom. A suburban mom's life is upturned by the beast growing inside of her. And a high school gym teacher runs drills from inside a volcano. What happens when five of independent film's most adventurous filmmakers join together to literally adapt each other’s dreams for the screen?
Everybody Dies!
Ripa the Reaper
In this recreated public access television show, Ripa the Grim Reaper teaches black kids about the day they'll die.
Rasheeda Speaking
This tense workplace thriller examines the realities of so-called “post-racial” America. Co-workers are driven apart by the machinations of their boss, and a chilling power struggle ensues that spins wildly out of control.
For Justice
Marian Horn
A female FBI agent finds herself caught between her family and her work.
The story of a man suffering from mental illness who attempts to rebuild his life.
Соломенные вдовы
Брак, казалось бы навечно заключенный на небесах, превращается в неустойчивый любовный треугольник, когда Лайл не может решить, кто важнее для него - Нина или Мэри Джейн.
Noah's Arc: Jumping the Broom
Mrs. Robinson
As Noah and Wade prepare to marry in Martha's Vineyard, the personal problems of their friends - and the unexpected arrival of rapper Baby Gat - threatens to permanently end their relationship.
Phoebe Banks
Юная девушка из мультипликационного мира влюбилась в прекрасного принца, чем немало разозлила его мачеху. С помощью черной магии королева отправляет несчастную в единственное место во Вселенной, где нет любви — современный Манхэттен. Вчерашней мультяшке придется как-то выживать в реальности.
Любовь и сигареты
Female Medic
Ник Мердер — рабочий-металлист, строящий и ремонтирующий мосты. Он женат на портнихе Китти Кейн, сильной и доброй женщине, которая родила ему трех дочерей. Но однажды Ник заводит любовный роман с рыжеволосой красавицей по имени Тула. Китти очень тяжело переживает измену мужа, пытаясь побороть в себе чувство гнева и обиды. Трагический поворот судьбы заставляет Ника осознать, какую боль он причинил своей семье. В результате он узнает истинную цену настоящей любви…
Against Their Will: Women in Prison
Behind prison walls, corruption, sex and power make criminals out of the guards and heroes out of the guarded. For more than a decade, the lawless guards inside a maximum security women's prison have reigned with impunity - rape, sex for money and illegal favors have become the norm until one woman decides to battle the system. Leading a group of inmates on a risky life-or-death struggle for justice, a ten year silence is finally broken, exposing the twisted truth to the world and enabling the prisoners the freedom to live without fear.
Над кольцом
Нью-Йорк, 90-ые годы. На улицах играет хип-хоп, мячи целыми днями полируют асфальт спортивных площадок. Одни пытаются вырваться из бедности, попадая в баскетбольное кольцо, другие - продавая наркотики. Молодой, подающий надежды, игрок сборной колледжа запутался в отношениях со своими братьями, драг-дилером и охранником колледжа.
Jammin': Jelly Roll Morton on Broadway
A behind the scenes look at the Broadway production of Jelly's Last Jam, including a tribute to jazz musician and composer Jelly Roll Morton. Gregory Hines and George C. Wolfe, who wrote the book for Jelly's Last Jam, are interviewed. Includes scenes from the show.
Ничего не вижу, ничего не слышу
На глазах Дэйва совершается убийство, но он глухой. Уолли все слышал, но он слепой. Вместе они — идеальные свидетели преступления… для самих преступников и единственные подозреваемые для полицейских. И те и другие начинают поиски неуловимой парочки. Но вдвоем они оказываются хитрее своих преследователей. В конце концов, слепой с глухим решают сами вершить правосудие…
American Dream
A family moves from an affluent Chicago suburb to the mixed inner-city neighborhood where the father grew up, with the idea of giving the kids, who are becoming materialistic snobs, the feel of a big city environment.