After eighteen years of psychiatric care, the former bank manager Augusto Scrivani returns home from his daughter-in-law Carla. Dino Risi directs a melancholy and scratchy Gassman.
Mother Superior
After a female art student purchases a life-size wooden sculpture of a crucifixion from an abandoned church, she has a vision of herself being nailed to a cross and soon becomes sexually tormented by the sculpture when it comes to life.
Апулия, южная Италия, около 1400 года. В монастырь вторгается культ Тарантула, фанатичные и безумные члены которого оскверняют священное место, совершая непристойные и кровавые действия.
A young woman is tormented by nightmares of her miscarriage. She becomes unfaithful to her husband and meets various lovers. Eventually, reality begins to unfurl around her.
Country bumpkin Maria Rosa becomes the new maid in a second-rate Roman hotel. A hole in the wall behind the mirror in her room turns her and a horny bellboy into voyeurs
Italian comedy
Italian nunsploitation movie from 1972
Miss Pitts
Шэнду обвиняют в убийстве банкира. Желая спасти её от повешения, шериф решает просто выслать её из города. Для этого он выделяет ей двух конвоиров, которые в итоге насилуют её и бросают умирать в пустыне, где её подбирает бандит по кличке Чёрный Талисман. Проникшись к Шэнде симпатией, Талисман решает помочь ей отомстить.
During a Post-Apocalyptic period in the near future the majority of the European population has been wiped out by some sort of undefined plague. Cino and Dora, a young couple, are rounded up by what constitutes the authorities on an isolated temporary base. They are examined and given antibiotics which will protect them for six months, told to pick out a deserted house to live in the area, and use that time to conceive a child.