John D. Patterson


Смертельно невинные
Angela (Amanda Wyss) is a sensitive teenager and her fanatically religious father has forced her to dress and work like a boy in his gas station. When Beth (Mary Crosby), who has a split personality, escapes from the sanitarium, she meets Angela. Beth tempts Angela to be a real girl by wearing Angela mother's clothes. Then both become a lethal combination.
Археологи Энди Петерсон и Матти Римариа ищут источник вечной молодости, о котором они вычитали в старинной рукописи конкистадоров. След привёл их во Флориду, так как там нашли захоронение очень высоких людей, которые прожили больше тысячи лет. Но кроме них источник разыскивает и владелец косметической империи, ради обогащения готовый пойти даже на убийство.
The Legend of Earl Durand
The Legend Of Earl Durand was the story of a young child whose family lived near DuBois, Wyoming and made Earl live in a hut in the wild because they thought he had a contagious disease. When the local Aboriginal people discovered his plight, they took him under their wing so he grew up as a sort of wild man, completely able to live off the land. He was known as the "Robin Hood" of the West because he hunted game on Federal land which was very illegal and gave the meat to the poor.