Federico Luppi

Federico Luppi

Рождение : 1936-02-23, Ramallo, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Смерть : 2017-10-20


Federico José Luppi (February 23, 1936 - October 20, 2017) was a renowned first Argentine actor with an extensive career in film and television.


Federico Luppi
Federico Luppi


Necronomicon – The Book of Hell
A librarian founds a copy of the fabled Necronomicon, only unleash hell on earth.
Чёрный снег
Старая трагедия и затяжная вражда вспыхивают снова, когда Маркос возвращается в старый дом, чтобы похоронить прах отца, и заодно убедить своего брата Сальвадора, живущего одиноко в лесу, продать свою землю
Siete semillas
This story tells how Ignacio Rodriguez, manager of a textile export company, lives so absorbed in his work that it creates personal crisis which leads to the hospital. After this episode his brother recommends visiting a spiritual guide, beginning a journey of learning that will take him to find the inner peace he needed.
В конце туннеля
Банда грабителей пытается сорвать большой куш, построив подземный туннель под банком. Происходящее привлекает внимание Хоакина, парализованного человека в инвалидном кресле, проживающего в соседнем доме. Но он совсем не торопится разоблачать гангстеров, так как считает, что у него появился шанс.
Favio, Aesthetics of Tenderness
Going through Leonardo Favio's film career means reuniting with images and sounds that built a sensibility that keeps expanding generation after generation. This documentary follows the path of a unique filmmaker by means of a scheme of voices, including that of Favio himself, with the lucidity and brutal honesty so typical of him.
Magallanes sees his humdrum life turn upside down the day Celina, a women he met in the violent years when he was a soldier with the Peruvian Army, jumps into his taxi in a Lima street. This unexpected re-encounter after 25 years with the dark past that unites them prompts Magallanes to embark on a daring plan to help Celina get money and find his own redemption.
The Kid
His mother has left and Gonzalo doesn't know why. How he is taking care of his little infant sister all alone, though he himself is barely ten years old. Neighbours help and try to figure out what should be done with the two children. Like old Felipe with his pub, the veterinarian Julio and his wife, or kind Lorena, who's stranded in the town. And gradually Gonzalo finds out what is really going on.
Fabian (Dario Grandinetti) works as a bank executive. After one of his colleagues in the bank dies, he falls into crisis. His wife, Mariela (Carolina Peleritti), is a psychologist and has Olga (Mabel Rivera) , an embittered woman who tries to take her frustration out on her, as one of her patients. Fabian will meet a famous blind author (Federico Luppi), who tries to help him. Following his advice, Fabian embarks himself on a relationship with Alicia (Antonella Costa), a young artist that he considers his inevitable love.
The Corporation
The story focuses on Felipe Mentor, an ambitious and successful entrepreneur forties. Her company, called Mentor, is ascendant, to signing an agreement with a prestigious firm. Personally, Philip is married to a beautiful and charming woman named Luz, who seems to be the perfect woman. She runs her innermost desires and shown to Felipe madly in love and happy. This is because light works for a firm called Hit Life, a company that makes the dreams and aspirations of people from becoming reality.
No Return
Víctor Marchetti
A thriller centered on a man who is accused of a crime he didn't commit.
Phase 7
A man protects his pregnant wife from their neighbors after the apartment is quarantined.
A Matter of Principles
A man with seemingly unwavering ethics is challenged by his new boss, who believes everyone has a price and it willing to prove it. In this Capra-esque tale no one leaves unscathed when principles and pragmatism collide.
Que parezca un accidente
A women is planning to kill her son-in-law after she finds out that he is unfaithful to her daughter.
The Last of the Just
El Hombre del Puzzle
A religious thriller that centers on a theory: 30 people have been chosen by God to maintain the balance of world as we know it. These "Chosen Ones" have been methodically exterminated throughout history and it is now time to take out the last of the them.
Западня Ферма
Четверо математиков не подозревали о существовании друг друга, пока таинственный незнакомец не собрал их вместе для решения одной трудной головоломки. Хозяин заброшенного дома назвался Ферма, а своим гостям дал имена самых известных в истории математиков. Им предстоит провести два дня в четырёх стенах, которые неожиданно начнут медленно сдвигаться, грозя смертью тем, кто не сумеет разгадать тайну и назвать имя убийцы.
Cheese Head
Sr. Guerchuni
Lasting tradition clashes with new ideas in director Ariel Winograd's tale of a mischievous pre-adolescent whose family spends their summers basking in the comfortable surroundings of a picturesque Jewish country club. Ariel is a young boy whose family enjoys the high life. When summer rolls around his mother leads an Israeli dance class at the local Jewish country club, and his grandmother seems to have a special knack for always winning at rummy. His sister Natalia is rarely seen without roller skates lest she need to beat a hasty retreat from her overbearing suitor, and his brother David's hormones are raging like a white squall. As Ariel and his friends hop on their bikes and explore the grounds of the country club it feels as if life simply couldn't get any better, but sometimes life in this highly exclusive paradise isn't all it's cracked up to be.
Лабиринт Фавна
Испания, 1944 год. Группа повстанцев сражается с фашистами в горных лесах северной Наварры. Офелия — 10-летняя одинокая и мечтательная девочка — переезжает со своей беременной матерью Кармен в военный лагерь отчима капитана Видаля. Видаль — высокомерный и жестокий офицер армии Франко, который должен очистить район от повстанцев любой ценой. Офелия, увлеченная волшебными сказками, обнаруживает старинный заброшенный лабиринт неподалеку от дома.
La distancia
Daniel, a young boxer on the point of winning the title several times, is beaten yet again and commits a robbery that lands him in jail. Guillermo, a self-destructive policeman tormented by his latent homosexuality, blackmails Daniel into committing a murder behind bars. In exchange, Daniel gains his freedom and returns to the only thing he knows how to do: box. But this time the search for pain to relieve the guilt has made his conservative style more aggressive. He remembers the last conversation he had with the man he killed, when he talked about his wife, just another whore in the club he ran, and goes to meet her. Seeing danger in the relationship between the victim's murderer and his widow, Guillermo tries to stop it.
The Wind
Frank Osorio
After the funeral of his daughter Ema, Frank Osorio travels for the first time to Buenos Aires to tell his granddaughter Alina about her mother's death. But Frank has to big secrets: the first one is about the identity of Alina's father and the second one is related to a crime.
Эльза и Фред
Вдовствующие Альфред и Эльса оказываются соседями. Между ними возникают взаимные чувства, на которые способен мало кто из пожилых людей. Эльсе удается превратить мрачного ипохондрика Альфредо в любящего жизнь человека, а он помогает ей осуществить самую заветную мечту.
In a Spanish city three young married couples celebrate the failed coupe d'etat of Feb 23rd 1981. They have gone through a lot in life. The country is changing and things will not be the same anymore. Their steps will take them through different walks of life.
Корпорация аферистов
Эрнесто с детства привык выпутываться из разных сложных ситуаций. И этот дар развился в нём настолько хорошо, что повзрослев, он решил использовать его в личных корыстных целях. Став одним из самых известных в округе мошенников, Эрнесто с лёгкостью проворачивал доволно запутаные махинации и при этом умудрялся оставаться в стороне от взгляда закона. Однако аппетит приходит во время еды. Появляются полезные связи и важные знакомства. Однажды Эрнесто решается на самую серьёзную афёру в своей жизни и у него нет права на ошибку..
1973 год, конец эпохи Альенде. Страна — на грани гражданской войны, генералы готовят путч. Трагические события чилийской истории увидены глазами подростков. Сын обеспеченных родителей, 11-летний Гонсало Инфанте, живет в элитном пригороде Сантьяго. Он посещает престижную английскую школу, директор которой Отец МакЕнрой, открыл дорогу к образованию детям из бедноты. Так в классе Гонсало появляется Педро Мачука — голодранец из столичных трущоб. Ребят разделяют социальные, имущественные и культурные барьеры, но вопреки всему они становятся неразлучными друзьями…
Que es un Fantasma?: The Making of 'The Devil's Backbone'
The making of “The Devil’s Backbone” by Guillermo del Toro.
Common Ground
Fernando Robles
In Buenos Aires, a few days before traveling to Spain with his beloved wife Liliana Rovira to visit their son Pedro, the leftist Literature professor Fernando Robles is compulsory retired in the University, and he concludes that it is impossible to live with his pension. The crisis in Argentina does not allow Fernando to get a new job, and his wife decides to sell her family's apartment and move to a small farm near Villa Dolores to reduce their expenses. Fernando comes up with the idea to grow lavender and sell the oil to the perfume industry.
Это случилось однажды утром, около франко-испанской границы. Из перелеска выбежала собака, постояла несколько секунд, потом пересекла поляну, и там, где собака пробежала, земля раскололась. Маленькая трещинка постепенно превратилась в расщелину, а потом — в овраг. Вскоре сюда съехались ученые-специалисты, политики, журналисты, военные… Американцы попытались стянуть края оврага, на дне которого уже плескалась морская вода, но безуспешно…
Последний поезд
Богатая голливудская студия купила в Уругвае для своего очередного фильма старинный локомотив XIX века. Но это известие встречают в штыки старички - члены ветеранской Ассоциации железнодорожников. Они решают бойкотировать сделку и не дать переправить поезд в США. Трое самых отчаянных пенсионеров и внук одного из них похищают локомотив и с лозунгом "История не продается" сбегают от новых владельцев и полиции по заброшенным узкоколейкам Уругвая. Естественно, по пути с ними случается масса приключений в духе самого настоящего вестерна. Но главное - их поступок становится лучом надежды, символом сопротивления для многих и многих уругвайцев, которые встречаются им на пути.
El lugar donde estuvo el paraíso
In Iquitos, during the era of military dictatorships, a consul must face the arrival of a daughter he does not see in years and the stalking of a military collaborator diplomat who comes to discover his protection to a deserter pilot.
Los pasos perdidos
Bruno Leardi
An Argentinean family living in Spain has their lives rocked when a famous author from their home country claims that their daughter is actually his granddaughter who was lost during a war.
Gangs from Rosario
City of Rosario. After three decades in prison together in the same cell, Tito and Castor are released. Outside the youth's friends await, as well as mines, tango, nights of drunkenness and a suitcase full of money hidden in the Parana River. They will try to seize the time and live every second trying to retrieve each of those thirty years behind bars. And when things become complicated they will cover each other as they always did.
Хребет дьявола
Dr. Casares
Пугающий рассказ о 12-летнем Карлосе, который после смерти отца попадает в школу Санта-Лусии на попечение директрисы Кармен и профессора Касареса. Отец мальчика был мятежником, убитым в сражении против режима Франко. И хотя приют перегружен большим количеством детей, директор школы сочувствующе принимает молодого Карлоса.
A rivalry between two actors proves to have dangerous consequences in this drama from Spain. Daniel (Federico Luppi) is the star of a popular television series who is interested in more prestigious work. and longs to appear on the legitimate stage. Daniel is lobbying for the leading role in Divertimento, a well-known play that made a star of leading man Bernardo Gabler (Francisco Rabal). When Daniel pays a visit to the theater where the play is being staged, he discovers to his surprise that Bernardo is waiting for him. Bernardo is not at all eager to turn over his signature role to another actor and insists on putting Daniel through a punishing audition, which turns out to be the least of Daniel's problems when Bernardo forces him to help hide a corpse, implicating him in a murder Bernardo claims to have committed.
Wiped-Out Footprints
Manuel is a Spanish writer who has emigrated to Argentina. He hears that his childhood village in Spain is to be turned into a reservoir, and returns for one last trip. There he meets widow Virginia, an old love, and begins to hope that he might reignite the flame between them. As old secrets are revealed, the villagers must come to terms with their imminent loss and the drowning of their home.
José Luis
Joao sells video tapes in road bars between Portugal and Spain. One day he finds a middle aged woman in the middle of nowhere. Somebody is looking for her and she has to escape to Lisboa. But what is the secret of this woman? Why does she want to go to Lisboa?
Frontera sur
Ciriaco Maidana
This historical drama addresses European immigration to the Americas (in this case to Buenos Aires, Argentina) during the last two decades of the 19th century. Among its main characters are a Spanish immigrant, a German one, and an established "Argentine." They compete for the affection of a more established female Spanish immigrant, now a successful businesswoman, albeit a prostitute.
Men with Guns
Dr. Fuentes
Dr. Fuentes is a medical professor approaching his retirement and journeys to find old students, with sometimes disturbing results.
Under Flag
Coronel Hellman
Argentina: 1969: Major Molina has been sent to a military outpost in southern Patagonia to investigate the brutal murder of soldier Lito. The harsh weather conditions of Patagonia reflect the strict and cruel way in which the Colonel Hellman and his officers direct the garrison. Gradually comes to light that Lito was drugged by a fellow, Reppeto, and therefore was unable to participate in an unexpected military exercise at night. For his "disobedience", Lito was beaten to death. Molina seeks justice, aided by the deceased's family and the village priest. However, he is forced to abandon the case when the military forces take the power in Buenos Aires. Years later, with democracy finally restored in Argentina, the case will be reopened causing the abolition of military service and the military justice system.
Martin (Hache)
An emotionally distant father attempts to reconnect with the son he abandoned. After his estranged son (Juan Diego Botto) tries to commit suicide, Argentine expat Martín (Federico Luppi) brings the troubled teen to live with him in Spain. But though Martín tries to reach out to his son, he's unable to bond with anyone in his life -- including his much-younger girlfriend
Autumn Sun
Raul Ferraro
Clara Goldstein is a lovely, middle-aged Jewish woman who, because of an impending visit from her American brother, is forced to create a contrived relationship with a man of her own faith. She places an ad in a personals column and meets Raul, a well-spoken, handsome and charming man whom she soon discovers is a Gentile and does not fulfill her reason for placing the ad. Having no alternative, Clara proceeds to instruct Raul with an intensive course in Judaism. Their journey is both humorous and captivating, but not without pitfalls. These two mature people risk a last chance at a meaningful relationship in their lives.
Робер, Макс и Она, трое молодых людей, живущих на задворках общества, решают совершить рискованное ограбление.
Никто не расскажет о нас, когда мы умрем
История несчастной алкоголички Глории Дукью, бедной проститутки в Мехико. Первые кадры с ней – оральный секс с несколькими барыгами, когда они толкают наркотики. Что-то идет не так и два коррумпированных правительственных агента и местный бандит погибают. Она улетает в Мадрид, в родной город…
The Frontier Law
El Argentino
Barbara, a journalist in the beginning of the 20th century, searches in the border between Portugal and Galicia a bandit called El Argentino. In her travel she meets two men that say that they belong to his gang.
Wild Horses
Still Breathing and theft in a financial, Joseph (Hector Alterio), an old anarchist, and a young employee, Pedro (Leonardo Sbaraglia) live for four days violent and compassionate alternatives in their desperate flight from the Patagonia Argentina. Along the way they encounter Ana (Cecilia Dopazo), a teenager who accompanies them on the trip.
Sin opción
A woman working for a crime lord must find out who stole a sum of money from her boss.
Jesus Gris
«Хронос» — это чудесное маленькое устройство, которое, сбежавший из Испании в Мексику гениальный алхимик Умберто Фальконелли, изобрел в 1536 году. Устройство, дарующее бессмертие… Правда, в 1937 году жизнь алхимика все-таки оборвалась в результате трагической случайности. Потому что «Хронос» обещал вечную жизнь при условии, что владелец будет собственной кровью питать его… Имущество особняка, где жил алхимик, было продано с молотка. И вот однажды хозяин антикварного магазина старик Хесус Грис расковырял фигурку ангела и, обнаружив внутри странную коробочку, привел в действие ее заводной механизм… Так у «Хроноса» появился новый владелец, но не только ему был известен секрет бессмертия…
Killing Grandpa
Don Mariano Aguero
Мой дорогой Том Микс
Хоакина стареет в небольшой мексиканской деревне 1920-х годов. Ее жизнь скучна, и она проводит свои дни мечтая о своем герое — ковбое Томе Миксе. Все, что Хоакина хочет, это встретиться с ним. Ее жизнь меняется, когда куча бандитов появляется рядом. Это время для Тома Микса, чтобы остановить воров и исполнить мечты Хоакины о приключении.
A Place in the World
Mario and Ana, in voluntary exile from Buenos Aires, live in a remote Argentine valley with their 12-year-old son Ernesto. Mario runs a school and a wool cooperative; Ana, a doctor, heads a clinic with Nelda, a progressive nun. Into this idealistic family comes Hans, a jaded Spanish geological engineer -- surveying the land for the local patron, to see if it can be dammed for hydro-electric power, which would drive the peasants from the land into the cities.
The Tombs
"El Pollo," a 13-year-old child in reform school, witnesses and experiences the brutalization of the guards and the other inmates.
Warriors and Prisoners
Colonel Garay
Patagonia, Argentina, 1880s. During the Conquest of the Desert, Marguerite, the French wife of Colonel Garay, in charge of protecting a new railway, discovers that a French woman is being held captive by the local natives.
A review of fiction about the life of Florencio Parravicini.
Bésame mortalmente
Сто раз нет
Пара Сири — образцовое супружество. У них есть дочь Лидия, в которой они души не чают. Но тут происходит самое ужасное для них: их маленькая девочка говорит, что она беременная... Они пытаются сделать все возможное и невозможное, чтобы избежать того, «что будут говорить» об их маленькой девочке и их семействе..
The Girlfriend
Since childhood, Raquel and Maria have been close friends. Now all grown-up, Raquel has fulfilled her dream of becoming an actress, while Maria has married a handyman, given birth to three children and runs the family household. In the wake of the Argentine military coup of 1976, Maria's oldest son Carlos is abducted. Desperate, Maria turns to her prominent friend for help. Yet the more Raquel gets involved in the search for Carlos, the more she becomes herself a target of the junta. Finally, she flees from Argentina to Berlin. Meanwhile Maria joins a group of women who investigate the fate of their disappeared relatives. In 1983, after the fall of the dictatorship, the two friends meet again.
Después del último tren
The Stranger
Bonnie Bedilia stars in this psychological thriller about a woman who witnesses a murder and then flees. During her escape, she has a car accident. She becomes an amnesia victim and although, she doesn't know her own identity, is able to describe the murder, but doesn't remember where it occurred or who was involved.
El año del conejo
Pepé Tinelli
Argentinian Drama An avant-garde young man rents a room from an older couple in Argentina. As his eccentricities become increase, they come to grate on his conservative landlords, who try to control his behavior more.
The Messes of Susana
When a marriage separates, a teenage girl chooses to move in with her father.
An innocent teenager, the son of dysfunctional parents, descends into the abyss of drug addiction.
Les longs manteaux
A reporter becomes involved with a band of terrorists hiding in the mountains between Peru and Bolivia.
La vieja música
Martín Lobo
The new coach of the basketball team of Lugo arrives from Uruguay. He really knows nothing about training a basketball team so he keeps the previous coach on and in the meantime tries to learn from videos and books, but his real reason for coming to Spain was to find out about an old lost love.
Кокаиновые войны
Gonzalo Reyes
У агента по борьбе с наркомафией злодеи из южноамериканской кокаиновой империи похищают подружку. Агент в одиночку отправляется на спасение девушки и разносит их осиное гнездо.
Luna caliente
Braulio Tennembaum
Returning to Argentina, an engineer trained in Europe visiting a friend of his father and meets the teenage daughter, who begins a relationship of love and passion.
Pasajeros de una pesadilla
A family consisting of parents, two sons and a teenage daughter falls apart morally.
Смешная грязная маленькая война
Ignacio Fuentes
A small revolution breaks out in a small Argentine town, as one group of Peronists calls they newly elected peronist a communist. The newly elected official enlists the aid of allies ranging from the town drunk to young peronists to help hold his post. What follows is a slapstick war with a serious message.
The Arrangement
Luis is a righteous man who begins a struggle and a moral debate with his family, neighbors and close friends when a corrupt municipal official offers a very convenient "arrangement".
Sweet Money
A man meets a former military service buddy who offers him a good deal. Money starts pouring in, but things change from one day to the next.
Last Days of the Victim
Raúl Mendizábal
Mendizábal, a hit man, its ordered by his anonymous clients to murder a man. But in the precise and obsessive persecution, he will discover that he is only part of a game that doesn't belong to him, a web at the service of greater interests.
Time for Revenge
Pedro Bengoa
Two coworkers decide to blackmail the corrupt demolition company they work for by setting up a fake accident.
Juan que reía
Sr. Baiocco
Juan Libonatti, a seller of fine wines, like up in the company where he works. His car, a brand new Citroen, will be an essential tool to sell more wine in less time and be able to move up. But one day it is stolen and he had not paid the insurance fee. That will be the beginning of a tragedy that will lead to self-destruction.
A Woman...
After seven years in jail, a woman is released and has to re-enter society.
Triangle of Four
In a boring marriage a model-photographer attracts the husband and a young man to the woman.
I Did Kill Facundo
Santos Pérez
The story of Santos Pérez, the man who murdered caudillo Facundo Quiroga in 1835.
Восстание в Патагонии
José 'Facón Grande' Font
В 1920 рабочие Юга Аргентины, организованные в анархистские и социалистические сообщества, начали забастовку, требуя улучшения условий их труда. При посредничестве представителя президента Аргентины удалось добиться заключения трудового соглашения между хозяевами и рабочими профсоюзами, и забастовка была прекращена. Но хозяева отказались выполнять соглашение. И тогда снова началась забастовка, быстро ставшая всеобщей. Правительство ответило на забастовку жесточайшими репрессиями. Были расстреляны сотни рабочих.
The flower of the mafia
Luis Alterio
An influential mob boss and a cabaret star team up to increase his power.
Las venganzas de Beto Sánchez
Amigo de infancia
When his father dies in a hospital, Beto decides to take revenge on all the people he blames for his bad luck in life.
La revolución
Paula contra la mitad más uno
Mike González
Shortly before a match against River Plate, members of the Boca Juniors football team are kidnapped.
Crónica de una señora
Following the death of a close friend, a woman caught in an unhappy marriage looks for ways to improve her life.
The life of an advertising model, since she is discovered by a producer, until she decides to move away from the advertising environment.
Los herederos
A once prominent family fight each other over the inheritance of a run down mansion. Motivated by individual greed, they turn on one another until they unite to subdue a stranger prone to violence. Outwardly the family retains respectability and their name is not sullied, but irreparable harm is done to the unit and mutual trust is shattered in the wake of the events that transpire.
Pasión dominguera
A waiter, a notary, a policeman and some gravediggers leave everything to go and watch their favorite football team play.
Las ruteras
The fight of a trucker to have his own vehicle.
El derecho a la felicidad
The three daughters of a mature marriage and their problems with the original boyfriends.
The ABC of Love
Film that includes three short films by different authors about love: "O pacto" by Eduardo Coutinho, "Terrible Night" by Rodolfo Kuhn, and "Magic World" by Helvio Soto.
Noche terrible
During his last night as a bachelor, a man imagines what would happen if he ran away and avoided marriage, or if he were able to avoid conventions and have a sincere relationship with his girlfriend. Adaptation of the homonymous short story by Roberto Arlt.
Todo sol es amargo
When a group of terrorists hijack a train, the various passengers relive their memories.
The Romance of Aniceto and Francisca
Aniceto is used to being lonely. When Francisca offers him her love, his personal limitations and little miseries arise.
Psique y Sexo
Pablo (segment "La estrella del destino")
A movie in four parts. A frustrated woman finds love with a painter ("La estrella del destino"). A woman tries to seduce her subordinate when she takes him to her apartment ("La buscona"). A woman who killed her husband falls in love with the gravedigger ("La necrófila"). The sexual awakening of two teenagers and the reaction of their parents ("Chicos jugando al deseo") .
Pajarito Gómez
A chronicle of the life and career of a popular singer: his humble origins, his rise to fame, and his exploitation by the media.