Dimitar Nikolov

Dimitar Nikolov

Рождение : , Bulgaria


Dimitar Nikolov
Dimitar Nikolov


Victor is in his early twenties, and has grown up in Malaga. For the summer holidays, he makes a trip that confronts him with his roots: an uninhabited town in the wound of the Balkans, Bulgaria. There he meets Liuben, a gypsy orphan teenager who makes a living, among other things, selling fruit by a ditch. What Liuben really wants is to open a hairdressing salon in Germany, and earn a lot of money for his girlfriend Ilyana, with whom he is expecting a child. He wants the family he never had, far from the orphanage, in a country full of possibilities. But Ilyana's plan is to travel to Greece with a group of pregnant women who, like her, are going to give birth and sell their babies, to return later with the money. Victor strokes the scars on Liuben's torso: some are signs of his mischievous childhood while others look more recent.
Кодекс киллера
Lucas Hayes
В 1991 году во Вьетнаме киллер подобрал девочку, решил её не убивать, а сделать своей протеже, и вывез из страны. 30 лет спустя Анна и Муди — прекрасно сработавшиеся напарники, которые за немалое вознаграждение «устраняют засоры» по всему миру. Для души Анна держит магазин коллекционных книг в Лондоне и большую часть времени ведет спокойную ничем непримечательную жизнь, но однажды Муди просит её разыскать одного человека, и вскоре сам погибает от пуль наёмных убийц. Расправившись с присланными за ней, Анна решает найти тех, кто за этим стоит, и отомстить за смерть наставника.
The Dutch Boys
A married factory worker confronts his feelings as they bubble to the surface, two boxers fight for more than just keeps, a countryside coming out doesn't quite go to plan, while at the beach a boy makes an unreal discovery. Come and explore a thoroughly Dutch view on life and love. The 5 short films are: Brick [Steen] (2013); South of Heaven [Ten Zuiden van de Hemel] (2019); Lukas by the Sea [Lukas aan Zee] (2016); Dante vs. Mohammed Ali (2018); Beautiful Alexander [Mooie Alexander] (2019).
Рая Данте
Последние тридцать лет жизнь Данте, человека уже далеко не молодого, состояла из работы в печатной мастерской и уходом за больной матерью. В один день он теряет все. Жизнь обретает новый смысл, когда он узнает тайну, которую мать берегла от него всю жизнь. Новой целью его жизни становится месть.
Twisted World
Through his whole life he is fighting the twisted world he lives in. In the end, in a moment of englightment, realizes: "It cannnot be done, someone decided he wanted to die. Path must be passed. Faith to be gathered. Life to be lived!"
Доза счастья
Веселе 22 года, у нее нет образования и мужа, но есть маленькая дочка и желание сделать ее счастливой. Увы, девушка попадает в большие неприятности, и ей не сразу удается вырваться из порочного круга. Ее жизнь рушится, а самая страшная зависимость – героиновая – усугубляет все еще сильнее. Эта история о пути в бездну и еще одном пути обратно. После наступления темноты всегда есть свет, даже если кажется, что все потеряно.
Beautiful Alexander
An almost dialogueless, poetic impression of an insecure teenager’s dilemma. Alexander spends his first holiday alone in an old beach cabin. Longing for affection, but searching for his identity, he stays inside. From the cabin, he watches the people on the beach. On a diving board, in the middle of the sand, he spots someone who is making some dance moves. Hesitant at first, but increasingly uninhibited, Alexander mimics him, which yields a cautious dance duet at a safe distance. Will he dare to make the next move?
В фильме рассказана история 13-летнего Румена по прозвищу «Свинья», над которым в школе постоянно издеваются. Одинокий и замкнутый в себе аутсайдер, он привык к оскорблениям и не дает сдачи. До тех пор, пока однажды он инстинктивно не наносит один, может быть, смертельный удар.
The Infinite Garden
Philip looks like a man, who has it all: successful career and a beautiful girlfriend. However, he is still taking care of Victor, his sensitive brother, years after the death of their parents. Emma is slightly autistic, fallen out of time. At the night, she creates the model of a mystical garden in the back of her flower shop, where Victor works. Emma lives in spheres completely beyond Philip's reach. Through her garden, Philip realizes that he never felt so real until he met this otherworldly girl, he's falling in love with. His life is transforming - until Victor confesses that he, too, is in love with Emma. Torn between the love for his brother and for Emma, Philip feels the pain of loss for the first time. Under the surface of this contemporary urban drama, there are hidden invisible worlds, where unexpected miracles happen. "Perhaps the most tender Bulgarian film."
Before I Go to Sleep
A boy and a girl are left homeless while expecting their baby to be born. Together they leave the familiar world and set to the unknown.
Hristo is a homeless boy. He would do anything to get a normal living. But still there's something he wouldn't do. The price of 'normal' life, for him is too high.
Maika mi calling
Andrei isn't talking to his mother. Until his younger brother Philip disappears, leaving only his cell phone as a clue. This takes Andrei on a journey into the heart of darkness of his little brother's despair.
A girl and a boy meet by a chance in unaware of consequences on one day. A modern parable inspired by true events.
"Block“ can be best described as a dark romantic film or a dramedy. It is composed of multiple intersecting sub-stories, all happening inside the confines of an apartment building in Sofia during lockdown. The film begins and ends with Iva and Viktor's dream, and their story reminds us that when two people share strong feelings for each other, anything is possible.