Lydie Muller

Lydie Muller

Рождение : 1972-04-27, Livry-Gargan, Seine-Saint-Denis, France


Lydie Muller


Дети других людей
Une professeure du lycée
Бездетная женщина устанавливает духовную связь с маленькой дочерью своего парня.
Мистер Идеальность
Danseuse soirée
Флоренс — успешный адвокат, у которой не хватает времени на домашние дела. К счастью, прогресс не стоит на месте и можно заказать робота, который позаботится о детях и будет потакать любым капризам хозяйки. Вот только что теперь делать мужу Флоренс? Не будет же он ревновать к роботу?
La Candidate
French Exchange
15-year-old Jack is on a French Exchange trip with his school. But his mum won't stop ringing to check-up on him. On his last night, his host falls ill and Jack is forced to spend the last day of the trip with his French teacher; the sexy, chic, mysterious Camille. But she is due to endure a family lunch to celebrate her cantankerous father's birthday. Jack's young yet sophisticated philosophy charms Camille and as the day goes on they bond. Without realising, they help each other to overcome their parallel family problems, teaching Jack a few lessons along the way.
I am Pregnant!
Sandra has just found out that she's pregnant. She hurries to tell it to her friends and to her father. That's a bad idea: everybody seems to want to get her down.
I am Pregnant!
Sandra has just found out that she's pregnant. She hurries to tell it to her friends and to her father. That's a bad idea: everybody seems to want to get her down.
I am Pregnant!
Sandra has just found out that she's pregnant. She hurries to tell it to her friends and to her father. That's a bad idea: everybody seems to want to get her down.