811 г. н.э. Руна живёт с сестрой, матерью и дедом в отдаленном доме посреди глухого леса. Семья переживает нелегкие времена, и надежда только на отца, который всё никак не вернется из морского похода. Когда они уже теряют надежду увидеть его вновь, он возвращается, но совсем другим. Руна пытается разобраться, что с ним произошло, и как с этим связаны странные существа, периодически появляющиеся в лесу.
Executive Producer
Astrid goes to her family's summer cabin, her childhood's safe heaven, after having been brutally attacked by a stranger. Soon the secure and comfortable family reunion Astrid had hoped for turns into a nightmare when the stranger returns with a group of accomplices. What from the start seems to be a matter of home intrusion soon turns into something much darker and surreal.
Astrid goes to her family's summer cabin, her childhood's safe heaven, after having been brutally attacked by a stranger. Soon the secure and comfortable family reunion Astrid had hoped for turns into a nightmare when the stranger returns with a group of accomplices. What from the start seems to be a matter of home intrusion soon turns into something much darker and surreal.
Laurence Neumann
Johanna is struggling not only to get divorced from her husband, but also to become strong when he uses suppression techniques over and over again.
Ah, Sweden. Prosperity. Tolerance and equality. ABBA, social democracy and clean fresh air and... snus - the superstrong smokeless tobacco that is forbidden all over Europe. A harmless alternative to smoking according to some. Others might disagree... Things seem to be looking up for small time thief Karsten Lammstrom. His prison time is coming to an end. On the outside waits Annika, his wife to be, and a livelihood: a sightseeing-boat in the Swedish archipelago. What Karsten doesn't need is a Balkan warlord arriving to the prison; notorious Serbian torturer, Zlatko Pavic. When Zlatko takes an interest in Karstens habit to use snus, things take an unexpected turn of events. Karsten ends up facing a grueling moral dilemma.
A girl gets a video camera from her parents in a birthday present. She starts filming her family during their holidays in Hälsingland, Sweden.