A small-time Jewish racketeer, just out of prison, finds himself in a quandary. Returning to his old neighborhood, he finds that the streets that he and his friends once controlled have now been taken over by blacks and Hispanics. On top of that, he must try to get back with his family, who want nothing to do with him.
A small-time Jewish racketeer, just out of prison, finds himself in a quandary. Returning to his old neighborhood, he finds that the streets that he and his friends once controlled have now been taken over by blacks and Hispanics. On top of that, he must try to get back with his family, who want nothing to do with him.
Частного детектива из Лос-Анджелеса Лью Харпера нанимает циничная богатая дама для поисков своего пропавшего мужа. Расследование сталкивает детектива с самыми сомнительными персонажами — стареющая актриса, певица из ночного клуба, глава религиозной секты, контрабандисты.