Cinemagoer (uncredited)
Молодая девушка Шерил вместе с подругой получает в метро приглашение от странного человека в серебряной маске на премьерный показ нового фильма ужасов о демонах, нашествие которых якобы предсказал Нострадамус. Сеанс должен состоятся в одном из только что отремонтированных берлинских кинотеатров под названием «Метрополь». В его фойе одна из посетительниц видит манекен в серебряной маске демона и шутки ради примеряет эту маску, чтобы сфотографироваться в ней. Поранившись обо что-то острое внутри маски, девушка с недовольным видом идет в зал. Происходящее на экране странно напоминает то, что в действительности произошло перед сеансом — та же маска и кто-то из героев поранился о нее… Как раз на моменте, когда молодой человек на экране читает отрывок из книги Нострадамуса, повествующий о том, что всякий, надевший маску, превратится в демона, поранившейся посетительнице становится плохо, и она идет в женскую комнату лишь для того… чтобы пророчество Нострадамуса сбылось…
Eurac (uncredited)
Идет двадцатый год после ядерной войны, развязанной могущественным афро-евро-азиатским союзом против США. Из-за радиоактивного заражения все женщины Земли потеряли репродуктивную функцию, а часть населения превратилась в мутантов. Войска союза, объявившего себя победителем, проводят регулярные рейды для забора генетического материала, а остатки штатовского командования, мечтают о реванше и знают о существовании единственной женщины, способной к оплодотворению.
В Нью-Йорк, на ее поиски, отправляют самого крутого гладиатора современности, Парсифаля, с двумя помощниками. Их миссия — найти женщину, и вернуться с ней на базу, чтобы на космолете улететь на Альфа-Центавру для продолжения рода человеческого, но является ли данное задание выполнимым?…
Friend of Scappavia
The adventures of Gianna, a sexy policewoman who wants to help a child in search of his mother.
Police Inspector (uncredited)
In Rome, a vagrant finds the body of a teen girl, her throat professional slashed. Police inspector Olmi uses his brutal and violent methods to follow a trail that leads him toward high government officials. When his methods leave an innocent bystander dead, the corrupt officials have an excuse to get Olmi transferred to a coastal town where the pace is slow and he has time for a romantic dalliance. Soon, Olmi discovers that fishing isn't the only local occupation, and out comes his gun and his ruthless tactics of investigation.
Two scoundrels - Tizio and Caio - didn't want to get into the military service so they decide to escape dressed in women's clothes, but were caught by the guards. Without being able to confirm their right to freedom, the unlucky fugitives were sold into slavery. But everything what happens - happens for the better and slave girls Ticiâ and Kaya become personal servants of the Empress Poppea...
Angry Bar Owner
Luigi "Chinaman" Maietto escapes from prison. As soon as he is free he assigns immediately two henchman to murder the inspector whose testimonial once led to his prison sentence. Inspector Tanzi is left for dead but survives. The local newspapers cover up for him and pretend the assassination had succeeded. When Tanzi gets better, his superior wants him to hide in Switzerland. But Tanzi defies him because he intends to make sure himself that Maietto is put back in prison. He goes for it.
Party Guest in Venice (uncredited)
Эмануэль послали в Калифорнию, чтобы сделать репортаж о жизни мультимиллионера Рудольфа Браумэна. Она добывает настолько разоблачающие снимки, что ей приходится бежать. Следующие задания редакции приводят ее в бордель для богатых дам в Венеции и в затерянный в пустыне ангар, где снимаются нелегальные фильмы для взрослых с «особыми» наклонностями.
Major Paolo Altieri of the Paratroopers Corps foils the kidnapping of child, but becomes the victim himself of a violent assault by the bandits. He realises that the criminals have used an experimental machine gun that's used only in his own Corps. Altieri begins to take part in police raids on criminal activities, and ultimately discovers a conspiracy to overthrow the democratic government.
Gianna Amicucci works in the house of the head of her hometown police force and enters the academy with a kickback from him. She is a beautiful woman (she generously sheds clothes during the film) and has to overcome her male colleagues prejudices, but she gains their respect through a series of brilliant operations.
Bank employee (uncredited)
Paul, Joe and Louie are three young men from good families who decide to go on a bloodthirsty and pointless crime spree, much to the dismay of paul’s girlfriend (Eleonora Giorgi) and the local police commissioner (Tomas Milian). the group starts by robbing a gas station where paul guns down three innocent bystanders. When they later decide to rob a bank and a grocery store, paul ends up killing more people. It isn’t long before the entire police force is looking for the three criminals, who pick up the girl and hightail it to the Swiss border, killing everyone in their path.
Wedding Guest (uncredited)
Spain, occupied by the French. Zorro, the intrepid swordsman, has an accident. As a result, his friend, Father Donato, is forced by oath to find a temporary replacement for him.
Man Selling the Crucifix
After a female art student purchases a life-size wooden sculpture of a crucifixion from an abandoned church, she has a vision of herself being nailed to a cross and soon becomes sexually tormented by the sculpture when it comes to life.
Man at Night Club (uncredited)
A young man comes out of a reform school properly reformed, but life outside will bring him to the underworld again. His second reform will be short-lived.
Photographer (uncredited)
Don Giorgio, a handsome young priest and teacher in a convent, is involved with two lovers: Orchidea and Giulia. When he repents and vows to return to the Church, he is savagely beaten to death. Not long after, Giulia has her throat slashed. Inspector Boito falls in love with and prepared to marry Orchidea, who is also the main suspect. The key to solving the case seems to lie with an inquisitive boy called Ferruccio, who is kept locked up and drugged. He witnessed one of the murders, but will anyone believe his story?
A detective gets involved with the beautiful daughter of an old friend. The daughter turns out to be a jewel thief, who in turn gets the detective involved in a caper in Austria.
Admirer at Stadium (uncredited)
Это коллекция из пяти независимых киноновелл, снятых пятью режиссерами — классиками итальянского кинематографа.