Mathias Gurtner
A police captain's niece is trapped by white slavers.
Jean-Pierre Aumont
The fairy tale story of the actress who became a princess is told in this biography that traces her rise from Philadelphia socialite to Hollywood movie star.
John Lloyd
A notorious French madam, whose business serves many of the nation's most powerful individuals, plans to go international until she becomes the focus of media scrutiny.
General Jaubert
A flamboyant master criminal and several specialists stage an audacious scheme to capture the Eiffel Tower and hold as hostage one of its visitors, the U.S. President's mother, while the head of a UN security force tries to stop them.
Jean de Marigny
Set during the reigns of the last five kings of the Capetian dynasty and the first two kings of the House of Valois, Tha Accursed Kings begins as the French King Philip the Fair, already surrounded by scandal and intrigue, brings a curse upon his family when he persecutes the Knights Templar. The succession of monarchs that follows leads France and England to the Hundred Years' War.
Young Seaman
A poverty-stricken family lives in a rundown shack on the coast of Northern France--Dad (Jacques Normand) is a foul-mouthed drunk, Mom (Rita Maiden) likes to make it with random strangers on the beach, their son (Gérard Dessalles) is mentally handicapped and their six-year-old daughter (Isabelle Pierson) is oversexed.
Шевалье де Невиль влюблен в Жанну де Бове - крестницу Людовика ХI. Однако французский король - по политическим соображениям - хочет выдать ее замуж за Карла Смелого, герцога Бургундского, коварного вдохновителя государственного заговора. Герцог похищает Жанну, но граф де Невиль проникает в замок и в головокружительно красивых поединках освобождает возлюбленную. Однако их любви предстоят тяжкие испытания…