Alexandre Chatrian


In Old Alsace
The adaptation of a french novel from 1864 describes the idyllic life of a convinced bachelor, Fritz Kobus, in a village in Alsace. With help by the local rabbi, he does get married to young Suzel in the end.
The Bells
Theatre Play
Mathias, an Alsatian innkeeper, murders a rich Pole staying at his inn. However, Mathias' conscience will not let him rest, and the murdered man's spirit drives the innkeeper nearly mad. The victim's brother calls for an inquest and brings with him a sideshow hypnotist, who is supposedly able to read minds. Mathias, as burgomaster, is called upon to conduct the inquest, but under the intuitive eye of the hypnotist cannot resist torment of his own conscience.
Polish Jew
Theatre Play
The story recounts the murder of an itinerant Jew (Jules Maurice)by the village Burgomaster (Harry Baur.) Years go by and Baur's crime does not weigh heavily on his conscience. But at a banquet one night, the subject of the killing comes up and he faints, and is haunted from that point onward by the vision of the man he killed and the sound of the sleigh bells that first accompanied the victim's arrival in the village. And, to complicate matters for Baur, the son of the victim arrives, and proceeds to fall in love with Baur's daughter.
Theatre Play
В небольшом городке у подножия горы в Эльзасе живёт Матиас, мечтающий стать бургомистром. Ради исполнения этой мечты ему пришлось заложить таверну и мельницу соседу Францу за шесть тысяч франков. Но срок возврата денег близится, Франц грозится выкинуть всю семью Матиаса на улицу. Было о чем задуматься Матиасу в рождественскую ночь во время сильнейшей бури, когда в его таверну постучался странник, польский еврей Барух Ковеский, желающий немного согреться и передохнуть. А в поясе его Матиас увидел много яркого, сияющего, манящего золота…
L'ami Fritz