Associate Producer
In Nazi-occupied Amsterdam, Walter Süskind is a member of the Dutch Jewish Council who rescues hundreds of children from the concentration camps.
Karen (32) and Michel (36) move with their daughter to an exclusive residential area. She soon finds a new close circle of friends: the women of the Dinner Club, and their husbands. But when two of the Club members commit suicide under suspicious circumstances, Karen starts to have second thoughts about her new friends. She has to choose: will she reveal the truth and dish the dirt, or will she protect the interests of the Dinner Club?
Молодая женщина и пожилой мудрец бросают вызов друг другу и переживают историю о личной свободе и привязанности. Она — молодая голландская женщина, которая после отказа от всего своего имущества становится бродягой и находит свое одиночество в строгих пейзажах Ирландии. Он — старик, который живет уединенной жизнью в изолированном доме в Ирландии. Она — радикальна и бескомпромиссна. Он — мудр и ироничен. То, что объединяет их — одиночество, которое они оба расценивают как свободу.
March 11th, 2002. John R. takes the head of security and 17 others hostage in Amsterdam biggest skyscraper. John R. demands to speak with the Philips head of Sound&Vision. His goal is to warn people about a large-scale fraud, aimed at brainwashing consumers by means of widescreen TV sets. In the film, we find out about John's preliminary frustrations, his bizarre encounter with Philips head of Sound&Vision Gerard Wesselinck, their impossible friendship, rivalry and John's armed attempt to force the executive to do penance in public.