Toyoshi Tsuda


Рокку: Остров моей собаки
Director of Photography
Эта история о том, как семью, державшую небольшую гостиницу на острове Миякэдзима, эвакуируют в Токио после извержения вулкана в 2000 году. О том, как она поддерживает душевную связь с любимым питомцем — собакой, оставшейся на острове, и не теряет надежды на возвращение в родные места.
Between Calmness and Passion
Director of Photography
An appassionato art student and a dispassionate college girl make a vow, saying they would meet each other again in the Florence Cathedral after 10 years.
Doll from Hell
Director of Photography
A doll maker and his daughter Erika live in a remote mountain villa. When some thugs break in and murder Erika and disfigure the old doll maker, he sets about getting his revenge. He creates a life-size doll and has it possessed by Erika's spirit. The doll then tracks down Erika's killers one-by-one...
The famed leader Oda Nobunaga had two right-hand men who contributed to unifying the nation. One was Akechi Mitsuhide and the other Kinoshita Tokichiro, both rivals of each other for higher promotions. Eventually Mitsuhide was recognized for his work and was given a castle. However, Nobunaga's ambition to conquer the nation did not allow Mitsuhide to live happily in his territory. That is when an idea flashed across Mitsuhide's mind… Akechi Mitsuhide, the man who was considered to be the most intelligent general of the warring states era. What was the truth about him, Oda Nobunaga's best general and murderer?