Jessica Pimentel

Jessica Pimentel

Рождение : 1982-09-20, Brooklyn, New York, USA


Born and raised in Brooklyn, New York, Jessica Pimentel is an American actress whose parents were immigrants from the Dominican Republic. She is a Latina of mixed heritage including Taino Native American. She is a graduate of the High School for the Performing Arts (a.k.a. "Fame") in New York City and the prestigious American Academy of Dramatic Arts, also in New York City, where she holds a degree in Theater Arts where she was awarded the Cleavon Little scholarship and was a member of the professional acting company. She has traveled around the United States, Canada and Japan as both a classical violinist and a punk rock/Hardcore musician and has played at various notable venues such as CBGB and Carnegie Hall. She is also a student of many styles of dance and martial arts. She is a lover of mathematics and science (cosmology, astronomy, physics and chemistry) and a student of theology and Tibetan Buddhist philosophy, logic and debate in the Gelugpa Tradition of the Dalai Lama and was trained by the former abbot of Sera Mey Monastery, H.E. Sermey Khensur Rinpoche Lobsang Tharchin. Some of her theater credits include the American Stage production of the Pulitzer prize winning play 'Anna in the Tropics' and the Shakespeare Theater's production of a 'A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings' adapted by Nilo Cruz. She was also seen in the leading role of Mathilde in the Wellfleet Harbor Actors Theater's production of 'The Clean House' by Sarah Ruhl and the Seattle Repertory Theater's production of Eduardo Machado's 'The Cook' which dealt with the effects of the rise of communism in Cuba over a span of 40 years. In 2008 she played the role of Juliet in an abridged, contemporary version of 'Romeo and Juliet' in a Theatreworks USA production national tour and originated the role of Lupita in the off Broadway show sponsored by The Women's Project 'Aliens with Extraordinary Skills' by Romanian playwright Saviana Stanescu. Jessica is also the lead vocalist and recording guitarist for the Brooklyn, NY based heavy metal band Alekhine's Gun and Bassist for NY heavy metal/ Hardcore band Desolate. She is a featured and endorsed artist for Spector basses, Halo guitars and Krank Amps.


Jessica Pimentel


Giving Birth to a Butterfly
After having her identity stolen, a woman, and her son's pregnant girlfriend, bond together on a surreal journey as they attempt to track down the perpetrators.
Slayer: The Repentless Killogy
Короткометражный фильм «Slayer: The Repentless Killogy» рассказывает трагическую историю бывшего неонациста Уайатта, который решил покинуть преступную группировку «Братство руки» и столкнулся с кровавыми последствиями своего выбора. Во второй части — эпохальный концерт Slayer, состоявшийся 5 августа 2017 года в лос-анджелесском «Форуме».
A Bread Factory: Part One
After 40 years of running their community arts space The Bread Factory, Dorothea and Greta are suddenly fighting for survival when a pair of celebrity performance artists from China come to Checkford and build an enormous complex down the street, catapulting big changes in their small town.
A Bread Factory: Part Two
The Bread Factory is the scene for rehearsals of the Greek play Hecuba. But the real theatrics are outside the theater, with the town invaded by bizarre tourists and mysterious tech start-up workers. There is a new normal in Checkford, if it is even really Checkford any longer.
The Grief of Others
Ms. Nuñez
The Ryries have suffered a loss: the death of a baby just fifty-seven hours after his birth. Without words to express their grief, the parents, John and Ricky, try to return to their previous lives. The couple's children, ten-year-old Biscuit and thirteen-year-old Paul, responding to the unnamed tensions around them, begin to act out in exquisitely idiosyncratic ways. But as the family members scatter into private, isolating grief, an unexpected visitor arrives, and they find themselves growing more alert to the hurt, humor, warmth, and burdens of others—to the grief that is part of every human life but that also carries within it the power to draw us together.
Fame proves elusive for comic Jesse Sanchez, who reflects on life from the bottom of a bathtub in this film based on John Leguizamo's one-man show. The story that unfolds has it all: love, loss, mistakes, adventure and redemption.
Гордость и слава
Angelique Domenguez
Нью-йоркский полицейский Рэй вырос на понятиях добра и законности. Блюсти порядок — незыблемая основа его рода, семейная традиция. С самого детства он со свояком воспитывался в духе «служить и защищать». Он всегда мечтал стать полицейским, но даже и представить себе не мог, через какой ад предстояло пройти его мировоззрению. Однажды в городе происходит убийство четырех полицейских. Раскрытие этого преступления становится для Рэя делом чести. В ходе расследования выясняется, что к убийству причастен его старший брат. Все то, во что Рэй свято верил, все его идеалы поставлены под удар. Как поступить: следовать букве закона или следовать интересам семьи?
Off Jackson Avenue
Off Jackson Avenue is an interwoven crime story set in New York City involving a Mexican woman who has been tricked into sex-slavery by an Albanian pimp and must find a way to break out; A Japanese hit man who is in town to do a job for the Chinese mob and must finish his assignment despite the fact that he is haunted by his recently-dead mother's ghost; And a local car-thief who must go on one last stealing spree to raise enough money to buy a tire store and go legit. A smack-bang tale of ambition, survival and fate, Off Jackson Avenue reminds us that there are still some parts of New York City that you won't find on any map.
Незаконное предложение
Young Millie
Студент-латиноамериканец, чья мать сбежала от головорезов, убивших ее мужа, вынужден податься с ней в бега. Спустя годы неопределенности юноша вместе со своей девушкой возвращается на родину в Пуэрто-Рико, чтобы разобраться в темном прошлом…
Последние дни диско
Clubgoer (uncredited)
Начало восьмидесятых, Нью - Йорк, Манхэттен. Здесь сотни клубов и дискотек, которые каждый вечер заполняются молодыми людьми. Кто-то идет сюда за острыми ощущениями, кто-то ищет новых знакомств, кто-то просто отдыхает и танцует под заводные ритмы диско. Среди постоянных посетителей клубов - две подруги, Алиса и Шарлотта. Вчерашние выпускницы колледжа, они впервые вышли во взрослую жизнь. В лабиринтах будней и праздников им еще предстоит ответить на главные вопросы жизни: как обрести себя, как сохранить первую настоящую любовь, как не потерять друзей и что нужно сделать, чтобы счастливое время диско продлилось как можно дольше.