Hui San-Chi


The Real Me
An undercover cop loses his memory after an accident. Since he doesn't remember a thing he must figure out who he really is and what side of the law he belongs to.
When The Ocean Is Blue
A couple and their son and daughter struggle through their divorce. The children try to cope after moving away to their grandparents', who live by the ocean, with the help of fairy tales that are told to them.
Rouge of the North
In this drama, the harsh treatment of women in Chinese society is examined and subtly commented upon as it tells the tale of an impoverished woman living in Shanghai, circa 1910 who tries to support her brother and sister-in-law. A marriage to a wealthy man is arranged for her, and reluctantly she endures it, even though she does not love the man who is as cruel as he is wealthy. His mother is also brutally unkind to her. She then has a son, but her struggles are not over when her husband dies and only leaves her a modest inheritance. Her wretched life has made her bitter, and so she begins making her son suffer as she die; she also becomes addicted to opium.
Osmanthus Alley
Ti Hung's parents die when she is twelve. When she is sixteen, she determines to change her fate, swearing to rise from her poverty. She becomes famous for her embroidery and eventually marries into a rich family, but tragedy ensues.
Executive Producer
During the last years of Japanese occupation in Taiwan, as tenants from the preceding generation, the family of Chan brothers was suffering from poor harvest. With a deaf old mother, a mental disordered sister whose husband was killed in war, and a bunch of children, it was not hard to imagine that they were really poor. One day, a heavy unexploded bomb fell down from the sky on two brothers' farmland. The brothers brought the bomb to the Japanese police as a "gift for the Emperor of Japan". Unfortunately, the Japanese were frightened by the bomb and order them to throw it into the sea. They could do nothing but obeyed the order. The bomb exploded when thrown into the sea. A great number of dead fishes came out of the sea. The two brothers collected the fishes back home. When they saw their exciting family enjoy the fishes, they felt that God is fair.
Семейные бомбы
Кинмен был до 1949 г мирной территорией, пока Чан Кайши не превратил остров в оборонительный укрепрайон против коммунистов, вытеснивших его национальную армию с материка. Его изначальным планом было организовать на острове лечение раненых солдат и подготовиться к наступлению на позиции Мао Цзе Дуна, однако всё случилось иначе. На острове было объявлено военное положение, и он превратился в последнюю горячую точку гражданской войны. Кинмен подвергался массированному артобстрелу с материка в течение 1950-х и 60-х гг. В частности, 23 августа 1958 г коммунисты устроили сильнейший артиллерийский обстрел Кинмена. Всё полыхали огнём, имелись большие жертвы. Фильм рассказывает о 823 артиллерийской батарее под командованием полковника Килианга Чена и событиях того времени.
Dust in the Wind
A-yuan and A-yun are both from the small mining town of Jio-fen. They move to Taipei, where A-yuan is an apprentice by day and goes to night school, and A-yun works as a helper at a tailors. Everyone thinks they are meant for each other, and so do they. They fail to see time and fate are beyond their control.
The Time to Live and the Time to Die
The semi-autobiographical film on director Hou Hsiao-Hsien's childhood and adolescence, when he was growing up in Taiwan.
Ah Fu