Thomas Niles


Ali is a young Tunisian who dreams of a better life and ekes out a lonely existence selling contraband oil on the black market. When his father dies, he is forced to care for his two younger sisters who have been left to their own devices in a house from which they will soon be evicted. As he wrestles with the sudden weight of responsibility and the injustices he faces, anger and indignation stir within Ali – that of a generation still fighting to be heard more than a decade after the revolution…
Karen Dalton: In My Own Time
Blues and folk singer Karen Dalton was a prominent figure in 1960s New York. Idolized by Bob Dylan and Nick Cave, Karen discarded the traditional trappings of success and led an unconventional life until her early death. Since most images of Karen have been lost or destroyed, the film uses Karen's dulcet melodies and interviews with loved ones to build a rich portrait of this singular woman and her hauntingly beautiful voice.
Stonewall Forever
The history of the Stonewall Riots is equally as cherished as it is charged. There are questions of who was there, who "threw the first brick" and who can claim Stonewall. This film doesn’t answer these questions but instead it aims to expand the story of Stonewall by including more voices in its telling by bringing together voices from over 50 years of LGBTQ activism to explore the ongoing legacy of Stonewall.
Ghosts of Sugar Land
Shocked when their friend embraces extremism, a group of Muslim Americans in Texas recount their time with him and theories about his fate.
Ghosts of Sugar Land
Shocked when their friend embraces extremism, a group of Muslim Americans in Texas recount their time with him and theories about his fate.
Фантомные ковбои
Документальный фильм о трех парнях, взрослеющих в Калифорнии, Флориде и Западной Вирджинии. Каждый из них живет в маленьком городе, каждый питает надежды на хорошую жизнь, каждый идет к своим мечтам.
The Future of Cities
This is a conversation starter first, a video second.
Вечерняя школа
Документальный фильм рассказыает историю трех взрослых людей из Индианаполиса. Они бросили школу по разным причинам, но вновь вернулись туда, чтобы доказать всем, что учиться никогда не поздно
The Lost Arcade
Chinatown Fair opened as a penny arcade on Mott Street in 1944. Over the decades, the dimly lit gathering place, known for its tic-tac-toe playing chicken, became an institution, surviving turf wars between rival gangs, changing tastes and the explosive growth of home gaming systems like Xbox and Playstation that shuttered most other arcades in the city. But as the neighborhood gentrified, this haven for a diverse, unlikely community faced its strongest challenge, inspiring its biggest devotees to next-level greatness.
Meet the awesome musician twins, Hedi Slimane models and creative soulmates behind The Garden, in a documentary by Liza Mandelup.
Полночные лихачи
Скоростная экстремальная езда по улицам — старая традиция и проклятие Балтимора: ревущие кавалькады мотоциклов и квадрациклов и лихачи, которые управляют ими едва ли не из положения лежа на спине, не просто мешают жителям — они представляют для них смертельную опасность. Но главным героем фильма становится подросток Паз, который пока еще только мечтает присоединиться к банде и поэтому упорно тренируется при помощи любых доступных средств передвижения.